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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

How to Manage Each Stage of the Sales Funnel to Generate Revenue

How to Manage Each Stage of the Sales Funnel to Generate Revenue

If you're like most sales managers, driving revenue consistently and efficiently can be a daunting task. But there are ways to maximize the success of your sales efforts through managing each stage of the funnel properly - from top to bottom.

In this blog post, we'll discuss how proper management at each stage of the funnel is an essential part of developing a consistent pipeline with reliable and successful returns. You'll learn how incorporating targeted activities related to each step in the process can help ensure more satisfying results for everyone involved.

Topics: sales strategy revenue performance sales tech

The Disconnect Between Sales People and Sales Tools

The Disconnect Between Sales People and Sales Tools

Many organizations rely on sophisticated sales tools to automate sales activities, manage sales pipelines, communicate better with leads, close more deals, and improve their sales team’s performance.  

That said, some businesses still struggle with adopting software for sales. The reasons vary, but most of the time, it’s due to a disconnect between their AE’s and these innovative sales technologies.

Why does this disconnect happen? What are the consequences? How can businesses improve sales tool user adoption? Let’s find out the answers in this post.

Topics: sales tech

Leveraging Sales Tech Stack to Unlock Bigger Opportunities

Leveraging Sales Tech Stack to Unlock Bigger Opportunities

The digital revolution has changed how businesses operate, and the sales industry is no exception. In order to stay ahead of the competition, companies must deploy the latest sales tech stack to maximize their opportunities.

A comprehensive guide to leveraging sales tech stack can help companies identify the most suitable technology for their business and unlock bigger opportunities. It is essential to understand which technology can best support sales activities, automate mundane tasks, and provide valuable insights.

Here's an overview of the types of sales tech stack, the benefits they offer, and how to implement them in your business. With this  guide, you will be able to strategically maximize your sales opportunities and drive long-term success.

Topics: sales process sales tech