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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Utilizing Talent Assessments for Employee Development

Utilizing Talent Assessments for Employee Development

Electronics come with user manuals, food packaging comes with cooking instructions, furniture comes with assembly instructions, and clothing comes with care instructions. People are much more complex than the items you buy, yet people don’t come with instructions on how to get the best out of them.

What if you knew how a person was wired before hiring or coaching them?

Topics: sales talent assessment employee development

Coaching for Career Development and Retention of Top Talent

Coaching for Career Development and Retention of Top Talent

It’s a fact that everyone wants the “best of the best” talent at their organization. Much attention, effort, and investment of significant time and money is given to finding and recruiting high performers.

Sadly, what often follows is the common scenario in which business leaders hire people they believe in and then sit back to see what they can do. However, growing and retaining strong talent requires leaders who can develop their people, not just manage them.

Topics: sales coaching employee development employee retention

Nurturing a Positive Sales Leader-Salesperson Dynamic

Nurturing a Positive Sales Leader-Salesperson Dynamic

Think for a minute about the very best leader you ever had. Then, think about the worst.

Likely, you have definite feelings on both. How did you feel when you moved on from the job with that very best leader?

You probably had second thoughts and wondered if you could have made that position work for you despite changing circumstances.

What about that worst manager? You probably walked away without a backward glance, relieved to never see them again.

Topics: leadership sales coaching employee development

Coaching Moment: How to Turn Any Failure into an Opportunity

How to Turn Any Failure into an Opportunity (1)

Being a great coach and developer of people is a natural talent, and those gifted with these abilities can take people far. Seeing how things CAN happen or improve motivates others to feel the same, especially in the event of a failure.

We all make mistakes and have disappointments; it's what we do with that lesson that makes a difference.

There are a few things that the best coaches do when failure occurs on their team that may also help you find success.

The best coaching is…

  • In the moment
  • Specific
  • Clear on next steps
  • Encouraging
Topics: employee development 360 coaching

Day 101: 3 Ways to Develop New Sales Reps

3 Ways to Develop New Sales Reps

Every sales manager has an onboarding procedure for new reps, beginning with day 1.

Do paperwork, have lunch with the boss, shadow some veteran salespeople, start building a prospect list, etc.

The first 30, 60, and 90 days of onboarding new sales reps are pretty standard. (Of course, we recommend that you follow the CSS Onboarding Checklist). 

However, what are your plans on Day 101 for your new sales reps?

Topics: onboarding employee development

How to Use Employee Training And Development To Improve Sales Motivation

How to Use Employee Training And Development To Improve Sales Motivation

It’s hard to recruit the right employees or find great people willing to invest time in their careers.

We’re facing a talent shortage, but it isn’t like employers are doing themselves any favors. A bad candidate experience mixed with a lack of feedback once hired leaves employees unmotivated and disconnected. Improving sales motivation is hard-earned but definitely worth it in the end.

A 2021 Gallup report found that over half of US employees were actively searching for a new job because they were disengaged. A revolving door of employees severely affects your ROI.

Topics: sales training employee development sales motivation

10 Ways to Encourage Employee Development

10 Ways to Encourage Employee Development

In this revamped corporate world, organizations are increasingly investing in employee experiences.

The emphasis is on employee reskilling and upskilling with the view to build competitive advantages
that will help organizations navigate the future. This explains why businesses are aligning their
growth strategies with employee development.

Employee learning and development are now at the core of key priorities that any organization has.

Topics: professional development employee development