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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

How to Increase the Quality of Your Sales Leads

How to Increase the Quality of Your Sales Leads

What worked a few years ago and helped gain successful sales leads might be outdated and could never work now. For instance, there were times when cold calling was king, but it's not as effective in this age of digital marketing.

Therefore, adjusting your strategies is incredibly crucial in ensuring you get quality sales leads. Here's a detailed look at some of the strategies you can use.

Topics: Lead Nurturing Sales

LinkedIn is Your Secret Weapon for B2B Lead Generation

LinkedIn is your Secret Weapon for B2B Lead Generation

When it comes to B2B lead generation, leveraging the right platforms is a practical step for growth.

Among the myriad of available options, LinkedIn stands out as a powerhouse for connecting businesses with ideal prospects. With an extensive professional network predominantly composed of business professionals, LinkedIn offers outstanding opportunities for lead generation.

Topics: Social Media Sales

The 4 Key Performance Indicators Sales Managers Need to Track


The 4 Key Performance Indicators Sales Managers Need to Track

There are four key performance indicators I recommend everyone keep a weekly focus on.  If you are a manager who does weekly individual focus meetings with your AE's or if you are a manager managing managers, these four things will help you keep the focus of the individual and the team on things that are crucial in moving the needle. 

These four essential metrics will tell you if you are on track for success. 

Topics: Sales metrics

Don't Delete Me! The Sales Email Subject Line

The Sales Email Subject Line

If you depend on email to grab a prospect’s attention and nail down that elusive first appointment, you should spend as much time honing the subject line of that email as you spend fine-tuning the entire body of the message.

Your competition is doing exactly that. Make no mistake: The big-time emailers out there may not be trying to make an appointment to sit down with your prospect but in the email inbox.

Topics: Lead Generation Sales

How to Use Tension to Advance the Sale


How to Use Tension to Advance the Sale

Salespeople often slow down a sale or lose it altogether because they are not willing to create tension. I am not talking about relationship tension. I am talking about task tension.  

You want to get to task tension as quickly as you can. This is what sales acceleration is all about. However, smart salespeople know you need to create a foundation of relationships—essentially reducing relationship tension so you can create task tension. You can’t rush to task tension until you remove relationship tension. You remove relationship tension by helping the prospect see that you are someone who can be trusted and could bring value.

Topics: Sales sales process

The Top 5 Gifts for Salespeople

The Top 5 Gifts for Salespeople

With the holidays looming ahead and the new year not far behind, there’s no better time to start looking for gifts for your sales team that will show they’re appreciated. 

However, when considering gifts for your salespeople, some level of personalization can go a long way. Ditch the printed pens that are half broken and lanyards that can’t hold anything heavier than a single house key. Instead, consider these top gifts for salespeople that go the extra mile in showing you’re thinking about them.

Topics: Sales

How to Recruit a Millennial


Considering that Millennials make up the largest percentage of the workforce, it's likely you will be hiring one. If not now, in the near future.

Understanding what makes a Millennial happy in the workplace gives you clues about the best way to recruit one.

Topics: hiring salespeople Sales

Pay Attention to Your Best Customers

Pay Attention to Your Best Customers

Your best customers are your competitors’ best prospects. At The Center for Sales Strategy, we have long said that it’s much easier to fill the bucket if it’s not leaking from the bottom. Many companies have an incredibly large need to go out and get new business every month—mainly because they're losing 33% or more of their current business.

It's true, and while new business is certainly one of the solutions for curing the problem of not retaining existing business, it’s really only a bandage. The problem of account attrition needs to be addressed and quickly solved.

Churning through clients quickly and not getting any sort of renewal will fatigue your sales team. Over time, they will lose confidence in what they are selling. Just imagine the revenue growth you'll experience without attrition and keeping the same amount of new business coming in.

Topics: sales strategy Sales COVID19 Resources

2 Ways to Measure Top Performers

Top performer

I wanted to title this blog "Top performers WANT to be measured, but poor or average performers NEED to be measured," but I was told that isn't a very strong title for click-throughs.

Nevertheless, I will continue with this blog despite my disappointment. 

As you know, your best salespeople want to be better!

  • They want/need feedback.
  • They want to know the score.
  • They want to know how they compare to others.
  • And they want to be measured so they can see how good they are compared to the rest of the team. 
Topics: Sales metrics

Sales Process: Looking at Your Own Buyer’s Journey

Sales Process Looking at Your Own Buyer’s Journey

If you’re in sales, you spend a lot of your time asking other people to buy what you sell. What about the last time you purchased something? Coffee on the way to work, an app on your phone, or maybe a new home appliance?

Why did you buy it now, instead of later? I find my tipping point is often based on my experience during the purchase process.

Topics: Sales