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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

HubSpot 3: Dynamic Content and Personalized Marketing

Inbound marketingRecently I wrote a blog post about how dynamic websites with frequently updated content are rapidly replacing legacy “corporate brochure” sites. This trend has never been more evident than after hearing the announcement by HubSpot at Inbound 2012 that they are moving to a more personalized visitor experience.

Topics: content marketing contact form content strategy Lead Generation CTA Inbound Marketing

Jargon Shmargon

sales jargonYour valid business reason was rock solid, you’ve done your research, and you’ve secured an appointment for a needs analysis. But a few jargon-laden sentences into the meeting, you see it:

Topics: Needs Analysis Sales

Out with Account Managers, In with Priority Managers

Time Management“I know that I should be doing more _________________ right now, but it’s just that I have so little time these days!”

Topics: sales performance Sales

Parenting and Coaching Salespeople: Two of the Same

coaching salespeopleLife teaches you things that you just can’t learn by being told or by reading in a text book. I believe very much in coaching salespeople to their fullest by utilizing their natural strengths. It doesn’t mean we ignore their weaknesses; it just means that we have to find other ways to get things accomplished sometimes.

Topics: Sales

A Leading Cause of Death for Sales: Donuts

customer renewalsIt started innocently enough. You had a planning meeting with the client that you knew would take a better part of the morning, so you stopped at the donut shop on the way to the appointment. A couple of weeks later, you wanted to make-up for failing to return a phone call, so you grabbed a bag of bagels. And before you knew it, you were hooked on the stuff.

Topics: customer satisfaction Needs Analysis sales strategy sales performance Sales

How Much Digital Revenue Potential Is Out There?

digital revenueIf you're a business leader looking to advertise using digital—or you are a salesperson responsible for digital sales—knowing what your market is currently spending in digital advertising will help you gauge what kind of budget you may want establish for your online initiatives. If you don't currently know the current local DMR (Digital Marketing Revenue) for your market, Borrell and Associates has released a handy interactive map of over 500 regions where digital dollars are being spent. 

Topics: Digital What & Why Digital selling digital advertising sales performance

What Does Your End Zone Dance Look Like?

CelebrateWhen football players score a touchdown, it’s not unusual to see them celebrate in the end zone. Long-term traditions include player renditions of the dirty bird, the “dunking” the ball over the goal post, or the famous (infamous, if you’re from Minnesota) Lambeau Leap. In recent years, the NFL has become more strict about excessive end-zone celebrations, because of their potential to be interpreted as taunting, poor sportsmanship, and… well, class-less.  (Do I need to spell it out with a Sharpie?)

Topics: sales performance Sales target persona