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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Closed Vs. Open AI: Understanding the Difference for Sales Teams with Stephanie Downs

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In this episode, we’re discussing the key differences between “closed” and “open” AI tools. We’ll also break down how Sales Accelerator AI, CSS’ own closed AI system, is designed to address the unique challenges salespeople regularly face.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance sales accelerator sales trends AI

How to Develop Farmers and Hunters to be More Effective

How to Develop Farmers and Hunters to be More Effective

There is a hierarchy in the sales world.

Most sales leaders come from the days when salespeople were responsible for every step in the sales process. You had to find your leads, get an appointment, and ultimately close the deal. You only ate what you killed.

We were hunters, so we tend to favor and even value hunters more than farmers. When I say farmers, I mean salespeople who spend most of their time nurturing clients, building relationships, and growing them.

Topics: sales performance sales accelerator sales talent

Want to Accelerate the Sales Cycle? Slow Down!

Want to Accelerate the Sales Cycle Slow Down

Studies show that reaching out to leads within an hour of them contacting you makes you seven times likelier to have meaningful conversations, and up to 50% of sales go to the vendor who responded first.

There’s also a tenfold decrease in your odds of making contact with a lead if you wait more than five minutes to reach out after they submit a web form.

Whether from clients, management, or themselves, salespeople are under a lot of pressure to perform faster in their sales processes. We live and work in a fast-paced, “want it now” culture that can feel overwhelming at times. Sometimes, there’s only one solution to closing more deals, and that’s to SLOW DOWN!

Topics: Needs Analysis sales process sales accelerator

Consistent Steps That Lead to Consistently Winning: A Strategic Sales Process

Consistent Steps That Lead to Consistently Winning A Strategic Sales Process

Salespeople fill a fundamental role in society, so why do they get a bad rep?

In a HubSpot’s Research study, Buyers Speak Out: How Sales Needs to Evolve, respondents were asked to submit the word they most associated with salespeople.

The number one response was “pushy."

Persistence is part of being a salesperson, but there’s a difference between consistently adding value with each check-in and rambling about the benefits of what you’re selling. It’s decades and decades of the “pushy” kind of sales tactic that has made the average salesperson somewhat unpopular. We’re here to help change that with an updated look at the customer-focused sales process.

Topics: sales process sales accelerator

Scary Good Advice to Avoid Being Ghosted by Prospects

Scary Good Advice to Avoid Being Ghosted by Prospects

By now, you’ve realized that regurgitated sales techniques and tactics aren’t working – including the approach you take with your sales proposal.

You need something more. What you need is a well-crafted document that hits the right tone and authentically convinces your great lead to close the deal. But sometimes, even with a data-focused, detail-driven proposal, that great lead disappears in the abyss, and before you know it, you realize you’ve been ghosted.

Fear not; we’ve brewed up three tactics that will help your sales proposals convert more prospects at a high rate!

Topics: Proposal sales process sales accelerator

A 5-Step Campaign Recap Template to Keep Customers Coming Back

campaign recap templateYou sold the campaign. You executed the campaign. Now get the credit you deserve! 

Creating a successful digital campaign designed to deliver desired business results takes time and expertise—not to mention a great deal of work! It makes sense to present a recap during the campaign—to make sure it is on track—and after the campaign, to get credit for a job well done.

The best way to do this is to create a campaign recap and present this to the customer. This process allows sellers to get the credit they deserve for a job well done as well as open the door to the next sales opportunity with a satisfied customer.

Topics: sales strategy sales process sales accelerator

Hunter vs Farmer Personality, Characteristics, and More

Hunter vs Farmer Personality

You hear the terms "hunters" and "farmers" thrown around a lot in the sales world. Sales leaders are always looking for "hunters" as they should. New business is the lifeblood of any sales organization. Without salespeople that know how to "hunt" for new clients, a company can and will be in trouble.

Of course, companies must also have salespeople who are "farmers." Reps need to be able to cultivate clients by building relationships and growing accounts. Organizations must ensure that their key accounts renew and develop.

Topics: sales performance sales accelerator sales talent

6 Things the Best Salespeople Never Do

6 Things the Best Salespeople Never Do

So much has been said and written about what top sellers do to set themselves apart from the average and low performing salespeople.

Let’s look at this from a different angle. What things do they make certain to NEVER do?

In order to fully understand what makes a high performing sales person, it’s helpful to recognize behaviors NOT exhibited by this elite group.

Topics: Needs Analysis Sales sales accelerator

Coaching the Sales Process: Overlooked Points in the CLOSE Step

Coaching the Sales Process Overlooked Points in the CLOSE Step

Having a strategic sales process goes far beyond knowing how to close a deal. If your goal is to drive sales performance and increase revenue, stay true to a repeatable sales process that leads to predictable sales.

The six steps of the Sales Accelerator lead salespeople from identifying a good prospect to developing a business relationship that results from the sale of your solution. Making it to step five—Close—means the finish line is in sight. But we’ve all heard the phrase, “the end depends on the beginning, and everything in between.”

Topics: Proposal sales process sales accelerator

Coaching the Sales Process: Overlooked Points in the ADVISE Step

Coaching the Sales Process Overlooked Points in the ADVISE Step

Based on HubSpot research, only 3% of buyers trust sales representatives. If your sales process follows the cookie-cutter pattern of simply selling a product or service, the chances of you reversing that statistic are slim to none.

If you follow the formulated Sales Accelerator process, you know how important it is to execute the steps in correct order. During Discover, sellers uncovered prospect’s desired business results. The next step is to Advise the prospect on the best solution path, and that starts by determining which solution path is right for the situation.

This is the step where sellers learn how to differentiate themselves and prove to potential clients how they can make their life easier. From determining a solution path to removing surprises and handling objections, there are several points you don’t want your salespeople to overlook.

Topics: Proposal sales process sales accelerator