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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Spotting Coaching Abilities in Your Sales Management Candidates

Spotting Coaching Abilities in Your Sales Management Candidates

Think for a moment about a manager in your career who made you a better professional. 

What was it about them that helped you grow and uplevel? 

While they surely had some expertise to share, no doubt it was their ability and commitment to give you their attention and coaching.

Topics: sales talent sales coaching

Boost Sales Performance with AI Coaching

Boost Sales Performance with AI Coaching

Leveraging technology to gain a competitive edge is not just advantageous; it's essential. AI-powered communication coaching is at the forefront of this transformation, offering sales teams a revolutionary way to enhance their performance.

By integrating artificial intelligence into sales training, organizations can provide their teams with personalized, data-driven insights that traditional methods simply can't match.

Topics: sales coaching AI

Cultivating Coaching Skills in Your Sales Leaders

Cultivating Coaching Skills in Your Sales Leaders

Successful leaders coach.


It’s a skill that is absolutely necessary to succeed in sales and sales leadership. Sellers who don’t receive coaching and feedback get off track, pursuing the wrong leads, prioritizing the wrong activities, and focusing on the wrong goals.

In contrast, sellers who receive good coaching tend to stay on track, finding and connecting with strong prospects, focusing on potential, and realized key accounts, meeting and exceeding their goals.

And leaders who receive ongoing training on improving their interpersonal, business, and leadership skills have teams everyone wants to be a part of.

Not all leaders are natural coaches, but all leaders can learn how to coach.

Topics: leadership sales coaching

Five Ways to Play Moneyball When Hiring and Coaching Salespeople


If you’ve seen Moneyball, you know that Billy Beane, the GM of the Oakland A’s, didn’t just play the game—he changed the game.

It’s not just a great underdog story; it’s a masterclass in using data to build a winning team, even when the odds (and budget) are stacked against you.

Beane’s approach? Simple: find undervalued talent, tap into their potential, and use data to outsmart the competition.

But what does Moneyball have to do with hiring and coaching salespeople?


Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent sales coaching

Finding Natural Sales Coaches in Your Recruitment Process

Finding Natural Sales Coaches in Your Recruitment Process (1)

Having a talented team of salespeople is vital to driving growth and increasing revenue. While hiring top sales talent is essential, finding leaders with a natural ability to coach and develop them in the sales process can take your team to the next level.

These natural sales coaches possess a unique set of talents and skills that can inspire, motivate, and guide people to success. But how can you identify these hidden gems during the hiring process?

Topics: recruitment sales coaching

5 Practical Ways to Help Salespeople Build On Their Strengths

5 Practical Ways to Help Salespeople Build On Their Strengths

As the new fiscal year approaches, sales managers should evaluate and leverage their teams' unique strengths. Recognizing and nurturing individual sellers' talents can lead to improved performance and better results.

Our strengths are hard-wired in us from a very early age, and people notice and appreciate them when they are strong. To develop these talents over time, we need to practice using them.

Many of us learned the value of practice through sports, dance, music, or academics, realizing that we got better with consistent effort. The same principle applies to developing strengths in a professional setting.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales coaching

Identifying Coaching Opportunities to Improve Sales Performance

Identifying Coaching Opportunities to Improve Sales Performance

The ability of a sales team to consistently achieve goals and exceed expectations hinges not only on the team's talent and determination but also on the quality of coaching they receive.

Identifying where your people need coaching is key. Without this insight, your coaching efforts might be well-intentioned but ultimately ineffective. By identifying specific problems or struggles, you can tailor your coaching to address these areas directly, leading to more meaningful improvements in performance.

Topics: sales performance sales coaching

Unlocking Success in Sales Succession Planning

Unlocking Success in Sales Succession Planning

Succession planning isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the cornerstone of survival. Identifying and developing future sales leaders ensures an organization's long-term health.

Remember, effective succession planning is not just about filling positions but also about fostering a culture of growth and preparedness that aligns with the company’s long-term strategy and goals. It’s a strategic process that ensures leadership continuity, preserves organizational knowledge, and contributes to overall business resilience.

Unfortunately, succession planning is also often set aside or even forgotten. Makes sense. It’s easy to get caught up in the here and now and fail to put plans in place for the future when your leaders leave. But it’s a big mistake!

Topics: sales talent assessment sales coaching

Improving Sales Performance: Are You THAT Kind of Coach?

Are you THAT kind of coach

Professional athletes have coaches.

Oscar-winning actors have coaches.

Pop icons have coaches.

Wait!? Even people who have been in the business for a long time? Why do they need coaches?

That’s easy! Top performers, whether they are professional athletes, Oscar-winning actors, pop icons, or sales professionals, are not content with just being good. They strive to maintain their edge, stay on top, and climb even higher.  

Their coaches, with their unique vantage point, can see what they can’t see themselves, making their perspective incredibly valuable. This investment in their talent is what sets them apart and propels them forward.

The same can be said for your direct reports.

Coaching leads to excellence.

Topics: sales coaching

Coaching for Career Development and Retention of Top Talent

Coaching for Career Development and Retention of Top Talent

It’s a fact that everyone wants the “best of the best” talent at their organization. Much attention, effort, and investment of significant time and money is given to finding and recruiting high performers.

Sadly, what often follows is the common scenario in which business leaders hire people they believe in and then sit back to see what they can do. However, growing and retaining strong talent requires leaders who can develop their people, not just manage them.

Topics: sales coaching employee development employee retention