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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Avoid Sending The “Just Checking In” Email—Do This Instead

Avoid Sending The “Just Checking In” Email Do This Instead

At the core of every successful workforce management practice is communication. As managers and sellers adapt to this new normal, clear communication, and scheduled talk time are more important than ever before. Talk time comes in forms such as:

  • Manager to seller talk time
  • Manager to key customer talk time
  • Seller to key and secondary customer talk time

Email is great for communicating data and confirming details, but nothing beats a conversation. Especially when the person on the other end of the line—phone or video—has a problem and needs to tap into your problem-solving expertise.

Whether with your sales team, customers, or prospects, regular check-ins promote open communication and stop larger issues from festering, as well as allow for immediate feedback.

Topics: successful sales meetings active listening

The "Golden Talk-Listen Ratio" and How It Will Help Close More Sales

Close a deal

Good salespeople know that you can’t close a deal without the prospect feeling good about it.

What is not as obvious is that what they feel has more to do with what they say than with what you tell them.

Why? Because what they really need is to feel understood, listened to, and reassured. And to do that, you have to actually listen to them.

How much is too much talking versus too much listening? After analyzing over 25k sales conversations, studies found that top-performing sales professionals speak an average of 43% of the time, while their clients speak for 57% of the conversation.

This is called the 43:57 ratio, the "golden talk-listen ratio," and Gong.io found that sales reps who achieve it see an improvement in their sales performance.

Topics: active listening

Shut Up and Listen! 3 Reasons Why Salespeople Should Talk Less to Sell More

3 Reasons Why Salespeople Should Talk Less to Sell More

New business meetings are exciting. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of closing deals, showcasing your product, and convincing prospects that you have the perfect solution. 

You want to start selling, pitching your product, and showing off your brilliant product knowledge. DON'T DO IT!

Just shut up and let your prospect talk.  

The secret to successful sales is not just about talking but also about mastering the art of listening.

Topics: sales process active listening

How to Practice Active Listening in Sales

Active Listening in Sales

Is it possible to sell faster by talking less? 


When sellers rely more on listening — active listening to be specific — their ability to understand client needs throughout the sales process accelerates. This not only gives sellers an edge in crafting unique solutions for each client, but it also helps sellers discern early on if a client is the right fit for their product before investing large amounts of time with them. 

Active listening is a skill that can be learned and benefits both sellers and clients alike.

Topics: active listening

Listen During Turmoil, Sell After

Listen During Turmoil, Sell After

My years of working in a blended role—as part seller and as part consultant—keeps me grounded and attached to the needs of sellers as well as customers and new business prospects.

Here’s some advice that I’m using in my sales role and passing along as a consultant: during this time of turmoil one of the most important things you can do is listen and demonstrate empathy. You will have plenty of time to sell in the future (post-turmoil). Also, if you listen closely enough, you will discover business needs unknown a couple of weeks ago.

Topics: sales cycle active listening COVID19 Resources