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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

What if They’re Not Engaged? 6 Tactics to Boost Team Motivation and Performance

What if They’re Not Engaged

Here you are again. It’s Monday morning, and your team looks like a pack of zombies. They’re physically present but mentally checked out.

Sound familiar? If so, your team’s engagement levels may be in a slump, which means it’s time to breathe some new life into your workplace culture.

Here are six tactics to boost motivation and performance. Your team will thank you.

Topics: sales performance employee engagement motivation

3 Ways a Target Drive is Different From a Sales Contest

3 Ways a Target Drive is Different From a Sales Contest

“We need to increase revenue” is something I frequently hear from Sales Leaders.

It often leads to a discussion around a Target Drive and how it can help. I’ve done a lot of Target Drive consulting over the years, and I commonly have to address the misconception that a Target Drive and a sales contest are the same thing.

So, how are they different?

Topics: sales performance target drive

Iconic Influence: 5 Ways to Build Your Brand

5 Ways to Build Your Brand

Let’s talk about something we all know but often overlook—your brand.

No, I’m not talking about the company you work for; I’m talking about you. Yep, you’re a brand, whether you realize it or not. And in today’s world, if you’re not leveraging your brand to build influence and drive business, you’re missing out. Big time.

Topics: sales performance branding

Sales Strategy: Get Out Of The Non-Communication Abyss

Get Out Of The Non-Communication Abyss

Have you ever felt like you're shouting into a void, your messages disappearing into thin air? Welcome to the non-communication abyss—a place where sales strategies go to die. 

Let us help pull you out of this chasm and revolutionize your sales approach.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance

Identifying Coaching Opportunities to Improve Sales Performance

Identifying Coaching Opportunities to Improve Sales Performance

The ability of a sales team to consistently achieve goals and exceed expectations hinges not only on the team's talent and determination but also on the quality of coaching they receive.

Identifying where your people need coaching is key. Without this insight, your coaching efforts might be well-intentioned but ultimately ineffective. By identifying specific problems or struggles, you can tailor your coaching to address these areas directly, leading to more meaningful improvements in performance.

Topics: sales performance sales coaching

5 Ways to Improve Poor Sales Performance

5 Ways to Improve Lousy Sales Performance

Underperforming sales teams can significantly hinder a company's growth and success. If you're grappling with poor sales performance, now is the time to identify the root causes and implement effective solutions.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

You Join the Company, But You Quit Your Boss

You Join the Company, But You Quit Your Boss

The most common reason employees give for quitting their last job is that their manager didn't care about them. 70% of top performers who leave their jobs point to a breakdown in a relationship.

Those employees aren’t your strugglers, or even your run-of-the-mill, average players. They are your top performersthose who you worked so hard to recruit, invested time in training and coaching, and who lead to the biggest growth in your organization.

Even though they may want to advance their careers, earn a living, support their families, and contribute to society – if an individual does not believe they can trust their manager to have their best interests at heart, they usually can’t keep doing the job.

Topics: sales performance employee engagement

Habits of Top Sales Hunters

Habits of Top Sales Hunters

Habits are routine behaviors that are repeated enough to become automatic. Habits help enhance productivity, build relationships, and increase overall performance.

Many AEs need to add new habits to their priorities. Adding some or all of the below will help improve your chances of closing deals and achieving your sales goals. Take a look!

Topics: Needs Analysis sales performance

Do These 4 Things EVERY Friday

Do These 4 Things EVERY Friday

In the world of sales, you are either a top performer or you're not!

Yes, there are new salespeople and journeyman sellers, but the reality is that even these sales reps are going to be top performers or not.

Top performers are driven, competitive, hard-working, positive, persuasive, and problem-solvers! They make the most of every day, every meeting, and every opportunity. They are prepared, confident, and start the day running.

So, the question of the day is, "Do you WANT to be a top performer or not?" If you do, then these are four things that you need to do every single Friday until you retire.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance

How to Develop Farmers and Hunters to be More Effective

How to Develop Farmers and Hunters to be More Effective

There is a hierarchy in the sales world.

Most sales leaders come from the days when salespeople were responsible for every step in the sales process. You had to find your leads, get an appointment, and ultimately close the deal. You only ate what you killed.

We were hunters, so we tend to favor and even value hunters more than farmers. When I say farmers, I mean salespeople who spend most of their time nurturing clients, building relationships, and growing them.

Topics: sales performance sales accelerator sales talent