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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Professional Self Care—Why Leaders Need Recognition Too

Professional Self Care

Most of us have set goals to start and end this year strong. For many, this involves a vow to be better at self-care. I will…eat in a more healthful manner, exercise consistently, meditate, take yoga breaks, get massages, facials, pedicures… fill in the blank.

But it all boils down to better self-care. We have all been under increasing stress in the past four years, and psychologists are emphasizing self-care as a way to combat added stress.

What about professional self-care?

Right now, most coaches and leaders are looking blank and thinking, what is professional self-care? Professional self-care is about to become a hot button for you.

In order to coach and be present for your team in the best way possible, you need to take care of yourself. How?

Topics: professional development 360 coaching

The Manager’s Journey:  Navigating the Path to Professional Growth

Navigating the Path to Professional Growth

Navigating the path to professional growth requires a mix of thoughtfulness, strategy, and accountability. Your growth is dependent on many things in life – your natural talents, the right career choice, the right leadership to support you, and your ability to create a growth plan for yourself.

With today’s vibrant and competitive landscape, the role of a manager grows more challenging every day. For you to flourish in your professional life, you need to be intentional and committed to yourself.

The incredible outcome of your professional growth is two-fold: you grow, and those around you grow as well. So, where do you begin? Let’s explore a few key ideas and strategies to help you achieve the growth you desire.

Topics: professional development leadership development

10 Ways to Encourage Employee Development

10 Ways to Encourage Employee Development

In this revamped corporate world, organizations are increasingly investing in employee experiences.

The emphasis is on employee reskilling and upskilling with the view to build competitive advantages
that will help organizations navigate the future. This explains why businesses are aligning their
growth strategies with employee development.

Employee learning and development are now at the core of key priorities that any organization has.

Topics: professional development employee development

Investing in Employee Development is No Longer Optional

Investing in Employee Development is No Longer Optional

It’s often said that an organization’s most valuable resource is its people.

An increasing number of leaders are turning these words into action by investing in training and skill development for their workforce.

In fact, employee development is quickly becoming one of the biggest trends in the workplace for 2022. Companies who make it a cornerstone of their culture will be well positioned to hire and retain top talent in a competitive job market.

Topics: sales talent professional development

Developing Our People is an Invitation for Growth

Developing Our People is an Invitation for Growth

You may have heard this phrase exclaimed in many different ways: “Our people are our greatest asset”.

But what exactly does that mean? And if people truly are an essential ingredient to running a business, how do we ensure that they remain a strong and steady force?

Hiring the best without investing and nurturing their talents is one of the biggest mistakes an organization can make. Let’s take a look at some of the facts and figures on employee development.

Topics: professional development growth guide

Team Development Through Reading—Books We Read in 2020

Team Development Through Reading

At The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS), we are a team of extremely high achievers. We’re always looking for ideas for self-improvement. So much so, that in our annual Employee Engagement survey each year, learning and development are always at the top of the list of what our team craves.

Knowing this, we add learning opportunities in multiple ways. One important development opportunity comes through the CSS Quarterly Book Club.

Topics: professional development books learning development