The beginning of the year is excellent for reflecting on the year that passed us by (in a flash), and planning ahead for the year to come.
Before the holidays, I asked my colleagues what they read on a daily or weekly basis. Their answers were varied, and they were all excellent. We're a well-read bunch at The Center for Sales Strategy.
Here's what piqued our interest this week:
1. Seven Things Learned in Seven Years {From Brain Pickings}
This was lovely. Change your mind. Ignore extrinsic motivators. Be generous. Give credit. Be a celebrator, not a critic. When people tell you who they are, believe them. When people tell you who you are, ignore them. Don't worship at the altar of productivity. Remember, everything worthwhile takes a long time.
2. TV is Still Relevant {From Marketing Charts}
Television is still one of the most important channels, and this article from Marketing Charts showed the top TV and video advertisers for 2014. Some of the brands are surprising! They also released their top 20 marketing charts of 2014 this week.
3. It's Going to be a Good Spring for Realtors {From The Marketing Mind}
Based on low gas prices, improving employment numbers, and pent-up demand, The Marketing Mind predicts that the Spring of 2015 is going to be great for realtors and home builders.
4. There is Such a Thing as Too Much Money {From Strategy+Business}
There's a balance in payroll -- you want to pay managers well, but this article shows that if you pay them too well, you can run into all sorts of trouble, including getting that manager poached to another firm.
5. There are Only Four Types of Startups {From The Lean Startup}
I like this video, because it takes a big topic, and breaks it down. Which category is your company in?
This Week on The Center for Sales Strategy's Blog

5 Attributes Great Athletes Have in Common with Successful Salespeople
The #1 Reason Why You Will Fail At Selling Digital Marketing Solutions
Hiring the Right Person Takes both Art and Science