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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

The New Reality of Prospect Engagement: Why More Touches Matter

The New Reality of Prospect Engagement

As sales leaders, we've all noticed a shift in buyer behavior over the past few years. At The Center for Sales Strategy, we've been tracking this trend closely, and it's clear that the landscape has changed dramatically.

Recent studies, including one from HubSpot, suggest it takes anywhere from 12 to 15 touches before a prospect is ready to meet with sales.

This might sound alarming, but it's our new reality. The question is: how do we adapt our strategies to meet this challenge head-on?

Topics: sales process prospecting

Measuring Sales Performance Starts with a CRM

Measuring Sales Performance Starts with a CRM

Teams that intentionally track performance measures and leading indicators also tend to reach their goals faster and more consistently, especially those who study the data and communicate expectations to their teams.

While I have seen teams track this data in many ways, a CRM is a critical component to effectively tracking sales performance. Without it, sales leaders often make educated guesses about how their sales team is performing.

If that’s you, you owe it to yourself and your organization to use one of the dozens of good CRMs that work best for your organization.

Topics: Lead Nurturing CRM

Adapting Your Sales Approach for Different Prospect Personalities

Adapting Your Sales Approach for Different Prospect Personalities

Ever feel like you're giving a killer sales pitch, but your prospect just keeps staring at the wall?

The truth is a one-size-fits-all sales approach rarely works. Prospects have unique personalities, and understanding these differences can be the key to unlocking sales success.

But how can you possibly tailor your approach to every single person?

The answer is to adapt your sales style to match your prospect's personality type. By doing so, you'll build stronger rapport, improve communication, and ultimately close more deals.

Topics: sales strategy prospecting

5 Ways to Improve Poor Sales Performance

5 Ways to Improve Lousy Sales Performance

Underperforming sales teams can significantly hinder a company's growth and success. If you're grappling with poor sales performance, now is the time to identify the root causes and implement effective solutions.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

The Media Salesperson’s Appointment Dilemma

The Media Salesperson’s Appointment Dilemma

The media sales industry faces a significant challenge: securing quality appointments with prospects ready to do business.

Media salespeople excel when engaging with prospects, identifying needs, and selling solutions, but the current system forces them to spend excessive time cold calling. This inefficiency leads to only one or two quality appointments a week, hindering even the most talented sellers from achieving better results.

The process needs a fundamental change to improve outcomes.

Topics: sales strategy getting appointments

Boost Your Biz: 5 Effective Ways to Shine Online

5 Effective Ways to Shine Online

If you’ve ever thought, "I need more meetings on my calendar," this blog is for you.

We all know that increasing your online visibility is a game-changer. But how do you do it without turning into a social media zombie?

Fear not, my friends! Here are five effective ways to boost your online profile and exposure, making those new business appointments roll in like never before.

Topics: Digital branding

How Delegation Can Develop Your Sales Reps' Skills

How Delegation Can Develop Your Sales Reps Skills

Effective delegation goes beyond merely assigning tasks; it serves as a pivotal strategy for enhancing sales reps' skills, bolstering leadership within an organization, and fostering a culture of accountability and communication.

For sales managers, mastering delegation can lead to a more dynamic, adaptable, and successful sales team. This not only streamlines operations but also significantly contributes to each team member's personal and professional development.

Let's explore the significance of leadership and mentoring in the delegation process, the role of communication in executing tasks efficiently, and the importance of accountability in assessing the success of delegation efforts.

Topics: leadership development delegation

Two Ways to Tackle Price Negotiation in B2B Sales

Two Ways to Tackle Price Negotiation in B2B Sales

What is the best response when asked, “Is the price negotiable?”

Your first reaction might be to lower the price to close the deal.

  • Interpreting their question as a request will result in lowering the price.
  • Offering to lower the price, only to find they will continually ask for more.

A better response is to demonstrate the value of your offering.

  • Work with your prospects to help them better understand the value of your services, products, and deliverables.
  • Show them the great deal they are already getting when evaluated in terms of the specific value you’re bringing to their company and how doing business with you will help them meet their goals.
Topics: Needs Analysis sales strategy

Onboarding New Sales Hires with the Help of Talent Assessments

Onboarding New Sales Hires with the Help of Talent Assessments

You have found the perfect candidate with the right blend of talents, skills, and experience. You have reviewed their assessment with a talent analyst and know what to expect.

It’s time to have them hired and jumping right in, right?

Not so fast. Now it’s the time to take those talents and create an onboarding plan customized to your new hire.

Topics: sales talent assessment new employee onboarding

You Join the Company, But You Quit Your Boss

You Join the Company, But You Quit Your Boss

The most common reason employees give for quitting their last job is that their manager didn't care about them. 70% of top performers who leave their jobs point to a breakdown in a relationship.

Those employees aren’t your strugglers, or even your run-of-the-mill, average players. They are your top performersthose who you worked so hard to recruit, invested time in training and coaching, and who lead to the biggest growth in your organization.

Even though they may want to advance their careers, earn a living, support their families, and contribute to society – if an individual does not believe they can trust their manager to have their best interests at heart, they usually can’t keep doing the job.

Topics: sales performance employee engagement

Setting Sales Benchmarks for Hunters and Farmers

Setting Sales Benchmarks for Hunters and Farmers

Hunters and farmers are crucial for a balanced and effective sales team. Hunters actively seek out new business opportunities, while farmers nurture and grow existing client relationships.

Setting benchmarks for these two distinct roles requires a nuanced approach to recognizing their unique strengths and contributions.

Topics: sales strategy sales talent

How to Create a Sales Culture Top Talent Will Love

How to Create a Sales Culture Top Talent Will Love

Have you ever interviewed or hired someone who couldn’t stop raving about their previous company?

Maybe circumstances forced them to leave, or the company was acquired, but they see their previous team as the best.

Now think about your team. Do your Account Executives rave about the culture on the team to anyone who will listen? Do they tell their friends that they should apply for open positions because your company is the best one to work for?

What is the “secret sauce” that beloved leaders of highly successful and happy teams have that everyone else is missing? Let’s find out.

Topics: company culture sales talent

10 Best Practices for Conducting a Great Candidate Interview

10 Best Practices For Conducting a Great Candidate Interview

Finding the right person for a job is challenging, especially with other responsibilities on your plate. Rushing through the process and taking shortcuts can lead to costly mistakes. A poor hiring decision can be expensive and difficult to reverse. Worse, once you part ways with a mismatched hire, you’re back to square one, facing the same urgency as before.

Consider this: if you don’t have the time to do it right now, when will you find the time to do it all over again? To avoid wasted time and frustration, getting it right the first time is crucial.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent selection

Habits of Top Sales Hunters

Habits of Top Sales Hunters

Habits are routine behaviors that are repeated enough to become automatic. Habits help enhance productivity, build relationships, and increase overall performance.

Many AEs need to add new habits to their priorities. Adding some or all of the below will help improve your chances of closing deals and achieving your sales goals. Take a look!

Topics: Needs Analysis sales performance

Unlocking Success in Sales Succession Planning

Unlocking Success in Sales Succession Planning

Succession planning isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the cornerstone of survival. Identifying and developing future sales leaders ensures an organization's long-term health.

Remember, effective succession planning is not just about filling positions but also about fostering a culture of growth and preparedness that aligns with the company’s long-term strategy and goals. It’s a strategic process that ensures leadership continuity, preserves organizational knowledge, and contributes to overall business resilience.

Unfortunately, succession planning is also often set aside or even forgotten. Makes sense. It’s easy to get caught up in the here and now and fail to put plans in place for the future when your leaders leave. But it’s a big mistake!

Topics: sales talent assessment sales coaching

Understanding Relationship and Task Tension During The Needs Analysis Process

Understanding Relationship and Task Tension During The Needs Analysis Process

The initial encounter with a prospective client can feel like navigating a minefield of uncertainty. This delicate phase is fraught with what we call relationship tension—a natural byproduct of unfamiliarity and the inherent skepticism that accompanies interactions with sales professionals.

Understanding and effectively managing this tension is paramount to fostering productive conversations and building trust, which are essential ingredients for successful sales outcomes.

Topics: Needs Analysis prospecting

The Anatomy of New Business Development

The Anatomy of New Business Development

New business development is a cornerstone of sales success. Whether you’ve heard it described as a 5-step, 6-step, or even a 9-step process, the number of steps doesn’t matter as much as the quality of execution.

Let's break down the most critical steps to kickstart your new business journey: identifying great leads and securing that first meeting. If you can't master these, the rest of the process is moot.

Topics: business development increasing new business