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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Are You Ignoring the Best Business Development Sales Strategy of 2013?

Sales StrategyYou may have heard it said that you can fill a bucket a lot faster if it isn't leaking. Often when we spring a "sales leak" our first reaction is to turn up the water pressure. And that will definitely fill the bucket faster—if we don't have a leak!  

Since we are a few months into 2013, I am sure your new business development efforts are in full swing. We refer to this as Target Account development and we think it should be an essential part of your sales strategy. You want to excel there. Equally important though is your focus on Key Accounts (those that are currently your biggest customers).  

Nothing is more frustrating than landing a new $50,000 account on Friday and then losing a $50,000 customer on Monday (talk about a bad way to start the week). What can you be doing to prevent this from happening to you?


The answer: 

While you are in full swing working on your Target Accounts, consider what actions you can take to ensure you retain and even grow your Key Accounts.

We have a tool that can help with this. It's called the Key Account Annual Growth Plan and it will help you take the kind of action you need to ensure you don't have a leaky bucket in your sales process.


Download a copy of the Key Account Annual Growth Plan today.

Key Account Annual Growth Plan


John Henley is the Chief Operating Officer at The Center for Sales Strategy

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Topics: business development sales strategy Sales