Does it ever seem like life is moving so fast that everything’s a blur? I can help you with that by sharing this one simple law of physics: You cannot focus on everything. So of course, when you try, everything’s going to be a blur.
A few years ago, I took a photography course. One of the early assignments was to focus on a fast-moving object by keeping the camera trained on the subject, regardless of the background. That’s why this picture of a car moving down the highway is in focus, but the road and everything else around it is blurry.

For the same assignment, we were to photograph an area through which something was moving. I chose a creek. The surroundings are in focus, but not the creek. The dreamy effect is created when the shutter stays open for an eighth of a second; the camera captures not just the creek, but the way it was changing over that period of time.

If it’s Blurry, Change Your Focus
When it is critical to focus on just one very important thing (like the car, or a target or key account), do that. And allow yourself the privilege of not thinking about the other things going on around you. (By the way, our target account planner or key account growth plan can help you focus on these important priorities.)
When it is important to consider the overall landscape (like your account list, or priorities for the week), devote the time to do that… and only consider any other subject in the context of that landscape. Note the relationship between your target and key accounts and the overall success you’re having. (By the way, our secondary account filter can help you get a clear picture of how any account fits into your set of priorities.)
We’re all “busy.” But being busy can look and feel different, depending on your perspective and what you’re focusing on at any given moment. If life is a blur, chances are, you’re trying to focus on too many things at one time.