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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Beth Sunshine

Beth Sunshine

Recent Posts by Beth Sunshine:

Five Ways to Play "Moneyball" when Hiring and Coaching Salespeople

moneyball movieMy understanding of the game of baseball is essentially, well, zero.  And to be truthful, my interest in watching the sport is just about the same. So, why was I so anxious to see the movie, “Moneyball?”  (No - it wasn’t only because Brad Pitt was in every scene. Entirely.)  I wanted to see it because it tells the tale of a ballclub on a budget that turned to science in order to find talent and build an unbeatable team. I’m a Talent Analyst – how could I pass that up?

Topics: Sales

COACHING SALESPEOPLE: Enough about YOU – Let’s talk about ME!

feedbackWhen is the last time that someone sat you down, focused all of their attention on you, and talked to you about the things that you do really well? 

Topics: Sales