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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Be a Judge on The Sales Voice!


How do you know when you have the perfect candidate for a sales position? Is it their stellar resume? Do they look professional? Do they come highly recommended? That is what most managers look for when hiring. It’s the way it has always been done, right? 

What if you looked at hiring for your next sales position differently? Pretend for a moment that you are Blake Shelton or Adam Levine on The Voice and your chair is completely turned around. Now what?

Do what they do! Listen! 

The best interviews are done over the phone where you can hear the talents someone displays without forming any other opinions. 

Like Blake and Adam, you only have a certain number of spots available on your team and you want to choose correctly. Think about the position you would like to fill. Write down the top talents that would create the perfect addition to your team. Is it someone that will go for the sale with no fear? Someone who can really uncover client needs? Someone who wants to win and will go the extra effort to get there?

Ask your questions based on what is important to make your team strong and successful. Learn to listen for the talents that define that perfect candidate and your team will elevate to the next level.

Use screening questions to help you. Our clients use a tool called the Sales Talent Screener. Even if you may not have access to this tool, develop a list of questions that fit the position you are trying to fill on your team. But remember to form your opinions based on the talents you hear, not the talents you think you see!

Push the button and turn your chair for the right reasons.




Topics: Sales