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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Are You Running in Circles, or Asleep at the Wheel?

inbound marketing, photo by Mike AndersonWhen it comes to inbound marketing, most companies fit into one of three categories:    

  1. Those that run from one shiny new concept to the next, hoping they’ll eventually come across the silver bullet strategy.
  2. The folks that are so confused by the whole concept that they don’t know where to start (and so, they don’t).
  3. The companies that stop and think about what they’d like to accomplish, apply some common sense… and then get started!  

Like any marketing plan, a successful inbound strategy is not built from the top-down; it is designed from ground up, and intended to serve a very specific consumer (the one that buys whatever product or service you sell). Once you accept this very simple premise, the idea of writing consistently fresh and interesting blog posts no longer terrifies the contributors responsible for your site. No one need ever be confronted by a blank page that defies the writer those first few words. 

A great blog post is not made of words, but fresh ideas, timely suggestions and effective solutions… and you have plenty of those!

If you’d like to join the companies that belong in group #3—or if you’re one of them alreadyI look forward to working with you on Thursday, November 8 in Atlanta, for the Inbound Marketing Forum, presented by The Center for Sales Strategy. And while blogging is one important element of an inbound marketing plan, there’s much more to know, and we’ve packed a lot of it into a single, concentrated day of learning. You’ll head back home with tools and ideas you can put to work immediately.

Running in circles is tiresome. Sitting still is not an option. Join us in Atlanta, and get started with inbound marketing.

Mike Anderson is VP of Consumer Insights and Communication at The Center for Sales Strategy. Mike writes The Marketing Mind blog, designed to help business owners, managers and marketers cash-in on consumer trends.

[Editor's Note:  On a recent trip to Chicago, Mike captured the photo above in the Lake Shore Park area. We think it is analogous of the idea that some folks are really busy getting nowhere, and some people aren’t even getting started.]

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