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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Trey Morris

Trey Morris

Recent Posts by Trey Morris:

Don't Identify Problems, Solve Them!

Dont Identify Problems, Solve them

Excuse me, while I pull out my "soapbox", I'm about to go on a rant!

Nothing irritates me more than when people confuse activity with productivity. We have created an environment where checking off our to-do list every day, attending meetings, and responding to emails means that you were productive.

That's just wrong. 

You were not productive. You were busy. Busy does not equal productivity.

Topics: sales process sales leadership

Sales Calendar: 3 Reasons You Need One

Why you need a sales calendar

You mean well. You want to do it better this year. But, somehow every year, it gets away from you. 

We all have good intentions each year to do a better job planning, selling, and tracking all of the major sales opportunities for our organization. This is why you really need to start planning using a sales calendar.

Topics: IMPACT sales calendars

The 3 Ds of Time Management


It’s no secret time management is one of the highest requirements for succeeding in sales. Consistent questions heard within the industry are, “What are some ways I can improve my time management?” and “How can I be more efficient?”

There are a multitude of strategies to help us be more productive, but they can be difficult to adopt because they force us to go against routines we’ve had for years. If you struggle with habit-changing productivity tips, such as going to bed with an empty inbox, check out this system that works for many.

Topics: email sales performance time managemet

Hunter vs Farmer Personality, Characteristics, and More

Hunter vs Farmer Personality

You hear the terms "hunters" and "farmers" thrown around a lot in the sales world. Sales leaders are always looking for "hunters" as they should. New business is the lifeblood of any sales organization. Without salespeople that know how to "hunt" for new clients, a company can and will be in trouble.

Of course, companies must also have salespeople who are "farmers." Reps need to be able to cultivate clients by building relationships and growing accounts. Organizations must ensure that their key accounts renew and develop.

Topics: sales performance sales accelerator sales talent

Silence is Golden: 3 Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills

improve listening skills"Silence is golden"—usually this is said right after your children leave the room and you finally have a moment of peace.

As much as that is a "funny" joke for parents, the concept of silence is a rare one in today's world. Are we ever "silent?" And when I say "silent," I don't mean staring at our phones for hours at a time.
In the context of sales, silence has another meaning. Silence is an opportunity to stop talking, be quiet, focus, and listen. Yes, I know this is a radical concept for those us that are gregarious, loud-mouth, salespeople.
Topics: Needs Analysis sales performance prospecting

Predict the Success of Your Sales Team with Leading Indicators

Predict the Success of Your Sales Team with Leading Indicators

"If you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business." — Marcus Lemonis

"It's a numbers game, but I don't know which numbers" — Average Salesperson

Okay — I made-up the last quote, but it's still true. Too many times, I meet with sales managers and salespeople who firmly believe that sales is a "numbers game", but they have no idea what numbers they need to know or even what numbers they should be tracking.

Most sales leaders focus on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and while they are important, they do not help produce sales improvements. KPI's are like your scorecard after a round of golf, fun to see how you played, but they can't help you play better for the round you just finished. 

Rather than focus on KPIs, it’s time to concentrate on Leading Indicators so that we can effect change during the game that will help you and your team win. Think of leading indicators as data that allows you to make "in-game" adjustments, so that your team can keep scoring.

Topics: sales performance sales process

3 Ways to Improve Your IFM's

3 Ways to Improve Your IFMs

Your IFM's should be the most productive and most important time spent with your sales reps every week.

For those unfamiliar with the acronym IFM, it stands for Individual Focus Meeting. What is an IFM? It's what our team at The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS) calls your weekly one-on-one meetings with your salespeople (CSS loves to create an acronym for more common sales terms to keep you on your toes.)

Numerous studies support the fact that one-on-one meetings have a large impact on your team’s performance. So, if you’re struggling with IFM’s, it’s time to prioritize and improve with these three tips.

Topics: successful sales meetings IMPACT Individual Focus Meeting

3 Real Tips to Improve Virtual Role Plays

3 Real Tips to Improve Virtual Role Plays

What is mankind’s biggest phobia? Hint: It isn’t spiders, heights, or even dying. It’s glossophobia, the fear of public speaking.

Also, on the list of soft skills that people fear most are acting and the public test of career competence. In sales, there’s one awkward activity that happens to combine all three role playing.

As a sales manager, we often use sales role play exercises as a form of punishment. When salespeople fail to make the progress we expect, we summon a team meeting where we role play. Now, as everyone is working from home, the idea of practicing our craft with role plays seems even more difficult.

How can you improve something that was dreaded even before the pandemic?

Topics: Needs Analysis sales coaching

Develop More New Business in 10 Minutes

Develop More New Business in 10 Minutes-1

From a management perspective, a properly deployed Customer Relationship Management (CRM) allows you to assign and reassign sales goals to your sales team, transfer responsibilities, and enhance the client and sales rep experience.

However, many organizations and sales teams are quick to dismiss CRM software’s effectiveness, and many stop using it for several reasons. Merely investing in a CRM solution will not help your business grow until your sales team effectively uses its functionalities.

Below is an example of a 10-minute strategy that will help put into perspective the effectiveness and value of the right CRM system.

Topics: business development CRM sales enablement

How to Improve Virtual Selling

How to Improve Virtual Selling

It's been nearly six months since the first social distancing orders were issued—six months of working from home, Zoom meetings, and not wearing work clothes. Back in early April, most of us didn't think that this new normal would last more than a few weeks.

Well, we were wrong.

Working remotely, Zoom meetings, casual every day, is here to stay for a while and maybe forever. We must ensure that we’re not only enhancing our techniques for virtual selling but also becoming as personable on a Zoom call as we are face-to-face. If you’re not comfortable with virtual selling, you’re going to have serious problems moving forward and succeeding in this brave new world.

Topics: Remote Team virtual selling