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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Happy Halloween! 3 Halloween Treats for YOU!

sales strategyHappy Halloween! We hope you are having a spook-tacular day! Since we can't visit all your offices for Tricks and Treats, we thought we'd share a few Halloween-themed blog posts we love.

1. Spooky Salespeople. Kurt Sima, a VP / Senior Consultant at The Center for Sales Strategy,  identifies five types of spooky salespeople. We hope you don't see yourself on this list!

2. 7 Sales Strategy Tips from Horror Films. Horror movies are predictable and filled with clichés. Although we know a monster lurks around every corner, we squirm in anticipation of a sudden sound or blood curdling scream that will make us fly out of our seats any moment. It turns out, horror films are filled with sales strategy lessons.

3. 6 Playfully Spooky Marketing Campaigns. Our friends at Hubspot have selected 6 marketing campaigns you won't want to miss!

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Kim Peek is the Blog Boss at The Center for Sales Strategy.

Topics: sales strategy Inbound Marketing Sales