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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

The Power of Great Feedback

sales managementAs a person, you probably have an inborn knowledge of what your strengths are personally, as well as professionally. You might be a great cook, a strong tennis player, or great at board games. You know that you create strong relationships with clients, are great at the close, or really creative in helping your clients.

You know these things, but once in a while, isn’t it great to have someone tell you that? Out of the blue, “Hey, you are really great at that!” That affirmation often makes you try that much harder. You find yourself thinking, “Wow, if someone noticed that I’m good at this, I want to get even better.” Basically, you want to keep the praise coming. This is where great manager-given feedback comes in.

Giving personal feedback to your staff, especially if you have a large team, can seem overwhelming, but really, it’s pretty intuitive. Let’s walk through how to give great feedback to build relationships with your staff and make them want to work even harder. 

1. Focus

First, set an appointment with your staff member at a time when you will both be uninterrupted. Ideally, head to lunch or coffee away from the office so you can devote your attention to them. Sales people love to talk about themselves, so make it all about them and their talents. When you set up this session, make sure to explain the purpose of the feedback. Be positive and excited! Let your AE know that this is something that will help them! 

2. Prepare

Second, prepare! Sit down and think about this person’s talents. If you have a talent assessment for them, pick out their top 3 or 4 talents and give some thought as to when and how you have seen them using these talents. For instance, they may have strong positivity. Think about when you have seen them get a client fired up with that positive energy as well as when they have gotten a team member excited or maybe brightened someone’s day with their great attitude. Give them specific examples of when you “caught them” using this talent and specific ways that you are going to help them use this talent to grow their business and make more money. 

3. Involve

Finally, draw them into the process. Get their feedback and input. When you discuss how you are going to help them, make sure it’s a plan that you can commit to as well as a plan that they are on board with. Make sure they feel that the two of you are team, working towards their continued success.

We all crave positive feedback, whether we admit to it or not. Give your team a boost with great personal feedback!

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Topics: Leadership