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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

How to Finally Align Sales and Marketing to Nab Great Leads

sales and marketing alignment to get more leadsThis article was originally published on Sales & Marketing Management.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance sales and marketing alignment marketing strategy

Increase Your Marketing ROI With Our Newest Online Course (free for a limited time!)


I can remember it so well—sitting in the grass with a bunch of other sweaty 5th and 6th graders, out of breath from running laps and drills. We were the St. Joseph’s soccer team, and we were great at running around and yelling and kicking the ball in the general direction of the other team’s goal. We were pretty good at joking around and drinking the Gatorade, too.

But this practice was a little different. Today, Coach Freer had a big pad of paper and a sharpie. She proceeded to tell us this fabulous story involving fullbacks, and halfbacks, and forwards, and strikers. And those white lines on the grass? She told us what they meant, too. 

“Whoa!” I said to myself. “There’s a strategy here, and a structure!”

This memory came back so clear to me this week, as I finished building our latest online course, the Lead Gen What & Why: Inbound. In presenting the top 20 terms related to inbound marketing and lead generation, a real structure, based on strategy, started to come into focus.

Topics: content marketing Inbound Marketing Sales sales and marketing alignment