This week's posts were all about introspection. Look within to lead. From personal branding to finding talent, it was all about asking the right questions.
The Center for Sales Strategy Weekly Wrap-Up
- On Monday, Christi Cool wrote about Russian ballerinas and asked if we were good talent detectives.
- On Tuesday, Mike Anderson asked how well we knew ourselves. Do we see in the mirror what other people see?
- Wednesday, Beth Sunshine asked managers how their employees see them.
- On Thursday, John Henley told the story of a woman who found a valid business reason to connect with a new prospect, and closed the deal much quicker than she would have using another strategy.
This Week's Top Reads from Around the Web
We love to read and watch great content at least as much as we like generating it, so here are the posts that caught our eye this week:
- Dan Rockwell gave us several lists to think about in one post: 10 principles of energy, 7 questions, 5 things energizing leaders never say, and 6 ways to energize teammates.
- Openview Marketing gave us a list of 5 practical content tactics your team should live by. I love number two: don't worry about SEO.
- Jill Konrath warns us to not fall into the trap of describing our product.
- Mashable reported that Evernote and Feedly were victims of hacking, this time, complete with a ransom note.
What have you read recently that resonated with you? What have you written recently that resonated with your audience? Let us know, we'd love to share it!
How do you measure the ROI of inbound marketing? How do you generate ROI? Join us for a free webinar on June 26th at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific and find six ways to generate ROI for your inbound marketing program.