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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Beth Sunshine

Beth Sunshine

Recent Posts by Beth Sunshine:

The Ultimate Guide to New Employee Onboarding

onboarding guide

If new employee onboarding procedures are insufficient, it can take up to 12 months for new hires to reach max productivity. In a world where employees don't stay at jobs for the entire duration of their career, this is horrific.

New employee onboarding has always been an issue. There are always holes in an onboarding process, and some companies seem better at it than others. Throwing new hires in and expecting them to swim no longer works.

This is especially true in our new hybrid working world. New employees are required to coexist in a virtual and real world, and be able to seamlessly toggle between the two.

To counteract these struggles, it's important to stick to a consistent employee onboarding checklist. To help you do that, we've assembled steps that will consolidate your processes and make new employees feel informed, safe, and ready to start being productive!

Topics: onboarding new employee onboarding

Back in Office, Remote Work, and Hybrid Workplace – Tips on Making It Work

Back in Office, Remote Work, and Hybrid Workplace – Tips on Making It Work

A large study by Flexjobs recently showed that 27% of employees would be willing to take up to a 20% pay cut just to continue working from home, and 81% reported that an employee who offers flexible work options would get significantly of their loyalty.

Supporting studies from Gartner also show that 82% of company leaders intend to support a hybrid workplace.

This is a candidate’s market, and it will become increasingly so.

Topics: remote sales team hybrid work

Why Sales Talent Isn’t Enough

Why Sales Talent Is Not Enough

Have you ever heard music that was so brilliant, you couldn’t even carry on a conversation while listening? 

I had a friend in college who played like that. Her audiences would be nearly silent as she played, mesmerized by the sound, until her last note when they would go nuts!

She practiced both the piano and the guitar often, simply because she loved it, and she often played for us upon request. I’m not much of a musician myself, and I don’t know a lot about the business, but those who did were certain that she could be one of the few who actually made a career for herself in music. 

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Top 15 Reasons Your Employees Stay [INFOGRAPHIC]

15 reasons your employees stay-Blog Header (screenshot-green)Companies with highly-engaged employees grow revenue 2.5x as much as those who don't, and engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their organization. Creating and building a company culture of engagement is vital to a healthy company and business growth.

Topics: company culture

Follow this Growth Formula to Increase Sales Performance

Follow this Growth Formula to Increase Sales Performance

Our team spend hours a day talking about talent:

  • How to recruit talent
  • How to hire talent
  • How to develop talent

There's no doubt that talent is the foundation for success in any path we choose! But talent alone is not enough; the fit has to be right, too.

We encourage hiring managers to consider fit as carefully as they consider talent because talent is a strength only when the fit is right.

If your job involves growing a department or organization, the only way you can do that is to grow each person on board. How do you do that? Follow this Growth Formula.

Topics: sales talent growth formula

6 Pro Tips to Turn Sales Talent into Performance and Develop Your Sales Hunters


This article on how to hire a great sales hunter stirred up great conversations about how to coach and develop those hunters once they are onboard. Great stuff, so we want to share it!

The best way to grow an organization is to grow each of the people within that organization, including your sales hunters. Great managers do this by keeping the natural behaviors of these people top of mind and committing to a handful of strategies to maximize their strengths. 

Topics: sales performance sales talent

How To Immediately Improve A Salesperson’s Performance

How To Immediately Improve A Salesperson’s Performance

When you focus on a natural strength, magic happens. They say that when you spend time practicing and honing a strength you have, you can grow in that area by as much as 10xs!

Investing that same effort in an area that’s not a natural strength pays little return.

Imagine the improvement that a salesperson could see if they had the innate ability to ask probing questions and uncover meaningful information—and then spent time practicing and developing that ability! The potential would be huge!

But what if they were too busy to spend any directed time or energy developing that talent? Or even worse, what if they were simply unaware of their incredible potential for growth? That is a wasted opportunity that keeps us awake at night.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Learner & Problem Solver

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents Coaching Learner & Problem Solver

You already know that turning talent into performance requires a true understanding of talent. Spotting talent, hiring talent, developing talent, and coaching talent. . . it’s mission critical.

Talent assessments are an excellent tool for understanding the way your candidates and current salespeople are wired. The difference in approach with each group is key to productive new hires and successful coaching.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Activator & Accelerator

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents Coaching Activator & Accelerator

To successfully manage and lead others, you must understand what makes each of your team members unique and individualize your approach. It’s important to understand the innate talents of each person and consistently coach them to maximize their strengths, work around their weaknesses, and turn talent into performance.

Gallup's research in the bestseller It's the Manager proves that this strengths-based approach to being a coach, not a boss, is essential to leading a high-performance team.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Relationship & Individualizer

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents Coaching Relationship & Individualizer

At The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS), we offer the most effective talent instruments available on the market to help you accurately identify the best candidates for the right roles and guide you to develop strategies and coach them in a way that will maximize their individual strengths.

Our clients have seen a direct Return on Investment (ROI) in the following ways:

  • Reduced costly turnover
  • Recruited better hires
  • Increased new business development
  • Improved client retention

It's time to take the guesswork out of hiring and coaching.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent