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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Beth Sunshine

Beth Sunshine

Recent Posts by Beth Sunshine:

Elevate Employee Engagement— Engagement Elevator: Shared Mission

Elevate Employee Engagement— Engagement Elevator Shared Mission

As 2020 unfolds, we see that Glassdoor’s prediction of a culture-first decade is upon us. Company culture and employee engagement are differentiators for organizations. This rise in popularity is largely due to a long string of well-respected experts, with studies in hand, pointing to a solid link between employee engagement and company productivity, revenue, and key customer retention. More than ever before, leaders understand that to grow the bottom line, they must start by creating a culture of engagement.

Topics: company culture employee engagement

How to Keep a Sales Culture Intact While Working Remotely

How to Keep a Sales Culture Intact While Working Remotely

Most people would agree that their world feels as though it has recently flipped upside-down! In this brand new world of social distancing, we’re scrambling to figure out how to be productive in an unplanned work from home environment—and also remain engaged.

Even in a strong business climate (like we had just weeks ago), company culture and employee engagement are vital to the success of an organization. They have a direct impact on revenue, employee turnover, and key account retention. 

During these uncertain times, however, when most of us are forced to work in dramatically different ways than we normally would, it is paramount!

Topics: user manual culture COVID19 Resources

24 Ways to Effectively Coach Millennial Salespeople

Effectively coach millennial salespeopleDo Millennials simply have less sales talent than prior generations?

After conducting tens of thousands of sales talent assessments, we here at The Center for Sales Strategy can assure you that’s not the case.

In part one of this two-part series, we shared four key differences in how the Millennial generation was raised, insight that was gained from Brad Karsh in an never-ending quest to learn more about how to activate Millennials. These differences explain much of the enormous disconnect between many Millennial workers and their managers today.

Topics: company culture

Hiring for Culture Fit—The Secret Weapon

Hiring for Culture Fit—the Secret Weapon

To remain competitive, organizations must invest more time and effort into the selection process. If you’re curious why so many companies fail to fully activate the talents of their people, take a closer look at how they make their hiring decisions. 

Regardless of what your company does, there is only one way to build a top-performing organization. You need to make sure you get both the talent and the culture fit right with every single hire you make.

Topics: hiring salespeople company culture culture

Why the Most Successful Companies Hire for Culture Fit

Why the Most Successful Companies Hire for Culture Fit

Are you looking for ways to create a company culture that will help you accomplish your business goals?

If so, you may have read about Zappos corporate culture and its ten core values. You know that core values determine the priorities of the company, and they’re what support the vision of your company and help shape the culture.

Here’s why the most successful companies have core values in place and pay attention to culture fit when they hire new people.

Topics: company culture culture

2019 Media Sales Report-Company Culture Statistics


Corporate culture has arguably always been important, but in recent years it’s become a popular point of discussion. To some, it’s become a buzzword, with an overabundance of content and discussions surrounding it. However, our 2019 Media Sales Report revealed some telling information related to how salespeople and sales managers feel about the culture of their company and industry today. 

Company culture is becoming even more important as the modern workplace continues to evolve. This is proven throughout the report as the biggest takeaways are related to how prepared salespeople feel to face the future and how likely they’ll be to recommend their company as a great place to work.

Topics: media sales report employee engagement culture

How to Know if Your Job is Right for You


How to Know if Your Job is Right for You

Research shows us that 1/3 of our life is spent at work, that's over 90,000 hours. Given those statistics, it's safe to say that it's highly important to our overall well-being that we're in the right job.

We have a short window of time to make our mark on this world while at the same time finding happiness. At some point, we all complain about our jobs—and the grass can often feel greener somewhere else. But there’s a difference between job slump and being in the wrong career.

If you're asking yourself whether your job is right for you, here are some simple steps you can take to find out!

Topics: hiring salespeople

Create Raving Fans Out of The Job Candidates You DON’T Hire

How to Create Raving Fans Out of The Job Candidates You DON’T Hire

Did you know that 60% of job seekers report having had a poor candidate experience in their job hunt? And, even worse, according to Career Arc, 72% of them shared those bad experiences with others (often on social media)! Ouch!

Are you burning bridges with your interview process? If so, it’s time to make a change so you can protect your company culture and image.

Topics: company culture sales talent assessment

How to Strengthen Your Team With Each New Hire

culture-team-new-hireYour employees are the foundation of your company and your culture. So, it stands to reason that every hire you make will either enhance your culture or detract from it - one person at a time.

Infographic: Top 15 Reasons Your Employees StayWe know that finding top talent is difficult! And with the current talent shortage, now more than ever, the candidate is in the driver’s seat. Once you finally find the right person to bring onboard, someone with the right talents and the right fit for your team, you want to do everything you can to develop and keep them. And this starts from the moment you send them that offer letter.

Did you know that Zappos pays new hires $2000 to quit within the first week of their employment? Although that seems like an incredible gamble with their hiring budget, this policy encourages those who are only there for the paycheck to take the money and run, leaving those who really want to be there.

Topics: hiring salespeople company culture

Personal User Guides: Show Your Coworkers How to Get the Best Out of You

personal user guidesIt is more important than ever before that sales organizations focus increased attention on emotional intelligence. As a sales performance company focused on turning talent into performance, we see evidence every day that when leaders are more self-aware and more aware of others, they are more successful.

Topics: company culture