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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Matt Sunshine

Matt Sunshine

Recent Posts by Matt Sunshine:

Follow-Up Next Week — Does Not Mean You Have an Appointment


One of the leading indicators for sales success is to look at the number of appointments that a salesperson has each week. (This is not the only leading indicator that you should be tracking, but it is one of them.)

The idea is that if a salesperson has a significant amount of appointments each week which involve finding needs, getting assignments, presenting solutions, or delivering a proposal, that this quality sales activity will lead to good solid revenue performance.  

It's fair to say that everyone in sales or in sales management would agree with this, but here's the flaw many salespeople are confusing "I'll follow up with you next week" with "I have an appointment."

To be clear, "I’ll follow up with you next week," does not mean you have an appointment.

Topics: sales performance sales process

Selling Techniques for Getting that First Appointment

Selling Techniques for Getting that First Appointment

You called. Left a message. "Maybe they're busy," you think. Or, "maybe they just don't return calls." Perhaps it's neither of these. Maybe it's on you.

Maybe you just haven't given them a compelling enough reason to call you back.

If you want prospects to call you back, you need to give them a reason. If the reason you're providing is something along the lines of, "I have a really great idea to share with you," then you sound just like the other 25 calls they've received.

Your prospect doesn't want your ideas. They want solutions to their problems.

Topics: sales strategy Sales

Improve Sales Performance with These 4 Words [VIDEO]

Often, clients come to us when their sales are not where they want to be, and the first thing they say is that they need us to come in and do sales training.

Yes, sales training will help, but alone, it won't be the only thing that helps improve sales performance. 

In this video, I discuss four words you need to remember to help your team improve sales: 


Topics: sales performance sales training

Bold Predictions for 2021

Bold predictions 2021-1

Congratulations! You made it through 2020, and a new year is upon us.

Business is not going to look the same as it did this time last year. The pandemic hasn’t just caused pivots — it’s caused permanent change. But all change is not bad! 2021 presents significant growth opportunities for organizations that can Accept, Adapt, and Accelerate from the lessons this year taught us.

Below are predictions from our team of experts to help sales organizations remain agile and seize opportunities in 2021.

Topics: sales performance sales trends

7 Ways to Develop a Successful 2021 Revenue Plan

7 Ways to Develop a Successful 2021 Revenue Plan

Let's start by agreeing that simply hoping that things will go back to the way they used to be is not a strategy you can count on.

Revenue growth is still obtainable even in the most uncertain and challenging of times. However, achieving your growth targets for 2021 and beyond requires a solid revenue plan.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance

Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. Happy Thanksgiving from The Center for Sales Strategy

Happy Thanksgiving to all those in the United States who celebrate! We know this year has been rough, but we see your strength and wish you all the best this Thanksgiving.

Even with all the chaos 2020 has presented, there’s still so much to be thankful for this holiday season. One of the greatest gifts this year has given us is a new perspective on the things we’ve been taking for granted all this time. A new perspective on just how grateful we are for the simplest of things.

And while many are still struggling this Thanksgiving, we hope you’re able to take a moment and practice some gratitude for all the lessons 2020 has brought us.

Topics: holiday

Best Practices to Improve Your Telephone and Video Conferencing Etiquette

Best Practices to Improve Your Telephone Etiquette

Clients calls, webinars, team meetings, staff meetings, one-on-one's with a coworker, prospect meetings we're spending a lot more time online.

Video conferencing etiquette and attire are certainly not a new topic for many professionals, but it's a new reality for millions.

How you portray yourself, whether over the phone or on shared-screen calls, represents both you and your company. It’s important that we present ourselves just as well virtually as we do in-person. In an effort to improve your phone and video etiquette, and ensure the person on the other end receives an excellent experience, implement the best practices outlined below.

Topics: sales strategy COVID19 Resources Remote Team

Leadership: Improve This Skill, Improve Sales Performance

The Paramount Leadership Skill That Management Needs to Improve-1

Which skill do you think your manager needs to improve most?

When Robert Half Management Resources asked this question to more than 1,000 U.S workers, one skill clearly surpassed the rest communication skills. Adapting your communication style based on individual and situational needs is critical to improving sales performance.

You can have the greatest business strategy and sales plan, but those plans will never get implemented if you can’t communicate effectively. Communication is key, and below are four focus areas where every leader can start improving today.

Topics: sales performance sales managers communication

Annual Planning During Election Year

Annual Planning During Election Year

72% of Americans believe whoever is elected in the White House will directly impact their finances and 32% are putting off a big financial decision until Election Day.

Every four years, there’s a whirlwind of uncertainty about who will win the presidential and congressional elections. This year, our economic future tops the poll of concern. The unknowns are causing leadership to take fewer risks, hold off on making necessary business decisions, and hesitant to have conversations regarding annual contracts.

While we can’t predict the future and outcome, we can take control by being proactive. When it comes to business, time is money. And every business decision you delay is costing you valuable time and money.

Topics: metrics annual plannning

Curiosity Killed the Cat, but Saved the Sales Rep


Have you ever noticed how many questions little kids ask? Every parent has a story to tell about the funny or embarrassing questions their kids have asked at the most inopportune times: “Why is Grandma so wrinkly?" or "Why do I have to eat those gross green things?”

If you don’t take control of the conversation, the third degree can go on indefinitely—because the curiosity in children is limitless!

Somewhere on the journey from childhood to adult professional, much of that unfettered curiosity gets left behind. We've become a society of head-nodders where people are often afraid they’ll look dense if they ask a question. You’ve seen it—people nodding in agreement, as if they completely understand, when you're certain they don’t. Their fear of losing the respect of others actually keeps them from learning.

Topics: Needs Analysis Sales