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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Stephanie Stoll

Stephanie Stoll

Stephanie works with subject matter experts and our Client Experience team to design and deliver content and services to our clients. Her background in sales and training combined with her formal education in Adult Learning drive her to create and deliver impactful user experiences.

Recent Posts by Stephanie Stoll:

Essential People Management Skills for Sales Leaders

Essential People Management Skills for Sales Leaders

Sales leadership is not just about driving numbers and closing deals; it's fundamentally about people management.

The success of any sales team hinges on the ability of its leader to manage, motivate, and mentor their team effectively. Although many things contribute to your team’s overall success, there are five essential people management skills every sales leader must master to build a successful and motivated sales team.

Topics: leadership sales management

Strategies for Cultivating Open Communication and Feedback

Strategies for Cultivating Open Communication and Feedback

The cultivation of open communication and a robust feedback culture is pivotal for sustained growth and success. Like many tactics for organizational growth, it sounds simple, but it is not always easy.

Let’s explore some actionable strategies aimed at empowering managers to actively seek and embrace feedback within their teams.

Topics: feedback

The Quest for 100% Superstars: Rethinking Recruitment and Training

The Quest for 100 Superstars

Every sales organization dreams of having a team composed entirely of superstars. Imagine a workforce where each member consistently exceeds targets, possesses exceptional communication skills, and demonstrates unwavering dedication.

While building an entire team of superstars may seem ambitious, it's a goal worth pursuing.

Topics: sales training recruitment

Situational Leadership: When to Coach, When to Manage

Situational Leadership

There is a fundamental yet often misconstrued aspect of sales leadership that gets a lot of airtime: the fine line between managing and coaching. At The Center for Sales Strategy, we understand the pivotal role that effective leadership plays in propelling sales teams toward success.

Managing and coaching are two distinct, albeit interconnected, approaches that leaders employ to guide their teams. But what sets them apart?

Topics: leadership leadership development

Elevating Sales Skills Through Engaging Training Games and Activities

Elevating Sales Skills Through Engaging Training Games and Activities

In the world of sales, the ability to effectively communicate, negotiate, and understand products is imperative. While traditional training methods often involve presentations and role-playing, integrating games and activities into sales training can be a game-changer.

These interactive approaches not only enhance engagement but also foster skill development in a more immersive and enjoyable manner.

Topics: sales training

Growth Mindset: Why Sales Managers Should Prioritize Business Development

Why Sales Managers Should Prioritize Business Development

As a sales manager, you are faced with competing priorities and objectives that you would like to emphasize with your team.

Successful sales managers are aware that business development is a key ingredient to account and organizational growth and should prioritize it with their account executives. There are some key factors on why you should make business development front and center, and then there is the how. Let’s take a look at both.

Topics: business development growth mindset

3 Words You Should Never Say in Sales

3 Words You Should Never Say in Sales

In the fast-paced world of sales, where the name of the game is, well, selling, which involves sealing the deal, it seriously makes me cringe when I catch salespeople dropping their in-house lingo in front of clients.

Let's talk about three power-packed words that could seriously put a wrench in your plans when you're in front of potential clients. So, do yourself a favor and ditch these words when you're chatting up a client or a promising lead.

Topics: sales strategy

How to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Control Success

How to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Control Success

Leaders today are facing an ever-increasing number of complex scenarios that demand their attention. In the fast-paced world of business, the conveyor belt of challenges never stops moving, and no two situations are ever the same. 

But for effective leaders, this is just another day at the office. They possess the ability to quickly assess the situation and give themselves the right instructions for success. They are skilled at thinking on their feet and making split-second decisions that can make all the difference. These instructions that they give themselves are the Mindset, and combined with their Talents, or natural abilities, they have become superheroes of the business world. 

As a leader, when you grasp and harness your Top Talents, coupled with the appropriate Mindset - which can change through continuous learning and growth - you are empowered to steer the situation towards success with ease.

Topics: leadership growth mindset

7 Ways to Improve Your Leadership Skills

7 Ways to Improve Your Leadership Skills

Strong leaders are an important piece of any organization, and those in leadership positions possess certain talents and skills that helped them get to where they are today.

But anyone in that role will tell you, they are never done improving and are constantly seeking ways to improve their skills. Here are seven ways to do just that!

Topics: leadership development

Leading with Empathy: Why Compassionate Leadership Matters

Why Compassionate Leadership Matters

We spend a great deal of our lives at work, and one of the things that can make or break that experience is whether we have a good leader. Not just someone who can bring in the numbers but someone who can lead people.

To be an effective and respectful leader, one must lead with empathy and compassion.

Topics: leadership leadership development