Active buyers in today’s market have immediate and pressing issues that couldn’t be foreseen earlier this year. Business owners have more distractions than ever, and there’s no roadmap for dealing with the economic changes that are still occurring.
Putting yourself inside the mind of these buyers will help you gain access to them. Understanding who they are is critical to understanding how you sell your products and services to them. We call this tactic defining your target persona.
Define Your Target Persona
Defining a target persona helps salespeople enhance their valid business reason by connecting their products or services to the prospect’s needs. It also helps guide the method of communication and assists in needs analysis planning. Learn More About Target PersonasIn today’s economy, there’s a large segment that has more business than they can handle.
Common Issues for Key Decision Makers
1. Revenue Growth
Increasing market share and growing revenue are goals for everyone. Smart ideas have always been the catalyst for making quality sales. Buyers look to salespeople to help them identify new opportunities to cut costs and increase revenue.
2. Making Payroll and Recruitment
Managing hiring, reducing workforce, and furloughs are all high on the list of common issues for key decision makers.
3. Government Regulations
Rules and regulations are changing daily. Decision makers are wondering what they need to do both legally and compassionately to stay open for business and protect their employees and customers.
4. Time Management
Decision makers are burning both ends of the rope. Should they meet with the banker, work on the front lines, or meet with you?
5. Financial Conditions
How are stimulus efforts, interest rates, and gas prices going to affect their business?
6. Consumer Trends
Business is surging in some categories and compressing in others. Re-positioning to meet the needs of customers is critical now.
7. Supply Chain Issues
Many businesses don’t have a full inventory right now. Some also know they will run out of product this year because of factory disruptions. Also, shipping is inconsistent at best. Strategic change is inevitable and affects buying.
Prove Yourself Relevant and Increase Your Odds of Engagement
Everyone wants to engage with active buyers. You’ll dramatically increase your chances if you prove yourself relevant to one of the top issues that are on their minds at the moment you are calling.
Understand, there are some great examples above, but each business has its own list of important issues. A target persona goes beyond demographics and psychographics and focuses more on your prospect’s business priorities, likely objections, buyer journey, and the decision-making criteria that is needed at the time. If you want to be in front of active buyers, hit on at least one of their critical needs, and you’ll earn your opportunity.