In addition to generating revenue and keeping their sales pipeline strong, sales managers are also tasked with running effective remote sales meetings. In our current work-from-home world, managers need to stay connected with sellers to conduct the following types of meetings:
- Sales meetings
- Training sessions
- One-on-one meetings (revenue development focused meetings)
- Meetings with clients
Below are some technical tips used by world-class managers to deliver a high-quality virtual experience. When the following guidelines are observed, you’ll run an effective remote sales meetings that will produce positive experiences for the entire team.
Guidelines for Remote Sales Meetings
One of the most convenient things about using technology is it expands the capacity of sellers. If a remote sales meeting saves a seller a thirty-minute commute into the office to attend one sales meeting a week, then a remote sales meeting “gives” that seller twenty-five additional hours of selling time annually!
Multiply the twenty-five hours by the number of sellers on team, and the sales capacity upside is significant. Additionally, remote meetings provide a great deal of flexibility to all involved—managers, sellers, and clients. How you run your virtual meetings will be more critical than ever. Here are some guidelines to follow.
Tip for Using Video During a Sales Meeting
- Avoid background clutter and moving objects—like a ceiling fan
- Sit upright and look straight at the camera if you can—avoid being slumped over or appearing too casual
- Position the camera so that you fill 2/3 of the screen
- Face the light, do not have it behind you to avoid the shadow effect
- It’s best to have all involved use their webcam—this will significantly improve the engagement level of the meeting
Arrive a few minutes early so you can greet everyone
Tips for Using Audio During a Sales Meeting
- Test the audio before-hand and determine what works best for your set-up (headphones or computer audio)
- If you’re not speaking for a long period of time, use the mute button
If not muted, be sure to avoid the following:
- Breathing heavy or coughing/sneezing directly into the mic
- Background noises likes dogs, outdoor noises, and kids
- If you’re going to be taking notes using your keyboard while someone else is speaking; alert them of this, so they don’t think you’re answering emails and not paying attention to them
Tip for Screen Sharing During a Sales Meeting
- Test the technology out and make sure you’re comfortable with being a presenter and handing it off to someone else if needed
- Turn off your email notifications and chimes and make sure your phone is on silent (or off)
- Use Presentation Mode when using PPT, don’t show the version where it shows all the slides in the left-hand side—this is a huge distraction for the audience
Tips for Preparing Sales Meeting Attendees
- Send instructions on how to download the app (if needed) and how to access it prior the meeting
- Let sellers know if you’ll be using a webcam so they can be prepared and look presentable
Recording a Remote Sales Meeting
- If you can and it makes sense to, record the meeting and share after so people can review the information
- Be sure to let them know you’re recording this meeting
Following these tips for conducting a remote sales meeting may be an adjustment, but they will significantly improve the experience for the people on the other end of the technology. After using them a few times, the actions will come naturally.
More Resources on Managing a Remote Sales Team
- Adjusting to Working from Home: When You Can't Meet Face-to-Face
- 4 TED Talks to Show in a Sales Meeting
- Listen During Turmoil, Sell After
- Tips for Successfully Managing a Remote Team
- Movies and Series to Stream While Social Distancing
- Pay Attention to Your Best Customers