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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Amanda Meade

Amanda Meade

Recent Posts by Amanda Meade:

How To Social Sell Across These Different Platforms

How To Social Sell Across These Different Platforms

Social selling is the process of leveraging your social network to sell products or services.

In fact, 78% of social sellers outsell competitors who don't use social media. The most important thing to remember when doing social selling is that each platform is different. What works on one platform may not work on another. It’s important to understand how each platform works before trying to sell on it.

Topics: Social Media social selling

Weekly Roundup: Create a Goal Driven Sales Environment, Protecting Margins + More

Create a Goal Driven Sales Environment


"Quality performance starts with a positive attitude."



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How to Create a Healthy and Effective Goal-Driven Sales Environment, According to Sales Leaders – HubSpot

The goal of any sales organization is, ultimately, to increase revenue.

Which means the goal of any effective sales leader is to inspire and motivate their sales team to hit, or exceed, their revenue targets.

However, a results-obsessed environment can quickly become unhealthy, particularly if your team feels the pressure to hit a certain number by any means possible.

Creating a healthy, effective goal-driven sales environment is vital for long-term success and employee satisfaction. Here, I spoke with four sales leaders to learn the five components for creating and maintaining a goal-driven sales environment.

But first — what is a goal-driven sales environment? >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Obstacles to Opportunities, Churn Reduction + More

Obstacles to Opportunities, Churn Reduction


"Refuse to make excuses or blame others. The leader always says, if it's to be, it's up to me."



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6 Ways to Transform RFPs from Obstacles to Opportunities in 2022 – Sales Hacker

Requests for proposals (RFPs) generate a whopping average of 35% of annual sales revenue, according to Loopio’s RFP Response Benchmarks and Trends Report.

The research, which surveyed 650+ teams, found that despite economic uncertainty over the past year, RFPs will continue to be an integral part of sales growth. However, keeping up with RFPs can be a challenge at the best of times. Busy technical experts, tight deadlines, and tricky approval processes can all throw a wrench in the sales cycle. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

What's A Top Piece of Advice for Someone New to Managing a Team? Our Experts Weigh In.

Whats A Top Piece of Advice for Someone New to Managing a Team

Being a great manager is tougher than being a great salesperson.

Think back to when you were a new manager, what was one piece of advice you wish you knew back then, that you now know?

Here’s what a few of our experts at The Center for Sales Strategy said.

Topics: Leadership sales leadership

Cold Call Or Sales Email? Data Shows Which To Use

Cold Call Or Sales Email Data Shows Which To Use

Making a first impression with your potential clients is vital to getting ahead.

When you make that cold contact, you want to ensure that they'll want to buy from you. A part of this is using the right method to reach out to your contacts. Which is better, cold calls or sales emails?

Topics: sales process

Weekly Roundup: Strategic Planning, Meaningful Sales Moments + More

Strategic Planning


"A person always going hir or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example."



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How To Create An Exciting Portrait of Hope Through Strategic Planning – The Great Game of Business 

When many business owners and executives hear the words "Strategic Planning," their minds jump to another topic.

Any other subject will do.

In their hearts, they know that planning is important to the organization. But knowing where to start is the issue. They have heard the stories from their peers who created a plan, and it sat on the shelf for a year or forever. As a result, planning happened once and then stopped. It amounted to a waste of time and money. The question then becomes: why bother planning at all? >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Best Business Growth Podcasts of 2022

Best Business Growth Podcasts of 2022

Each week, more Americans listen to podcasts than have Netflix accounts.

Since it began in the early 2000s, podcasting has grown drastically and steadily. Just from 2018 to 2021, podcast listeners have increased by 29.5%.

Thus far in 2022, 51% of the population has listened to a podcast, with over one-third of Americans listening to podcasts regularly.

With a variety of business-related podcasts available, how do you choose which to listen to first?

Topics: business development

What Are the Best Social Selling Techniques?

What Are the Best Social Selling Techniques

Successful social selling can lead to significant growth for your business. In fact, the right tactics can do more than sell products, but provide a foundation of credibility and confidence that will bolster your brand as a whole.

This all sounds very appealing, but how can you actually go about enhancing your own social selling efforts?

Let’s look at a few methods that separate the pros from the rest of the pack.

Topics: social selling

Weekly Roundup: 8 Classic Books for Sales, Talent Acquisition in 2022 + More

8 Classic Books for Sales


"Anyone, anywhere, can make a positive difference."



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8 Classic Books (That Secretly Have Great Sales Lessons)– LinkedIn

One of the great things about a career in sales is that you can find inspiration and guidance almost anywhere. The fundamentals of the job – understanding people, building relationships, solving problems – are so universal that sales lessons are all around us. 

Yes, you can learn a lot about the craft by reading sales books. But that’s only scratching the surface. Many classic books that seemingly have nothing to do with selling actually offer a great deal of insight about it, when you take a closer look.

To show you what we mean, here we’re highlighting eight books that taught us tons about sales… whether they meant to or not. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Sales Challenges, Humble Leaders + More

Humble Leader


"True leaders always practice the 3 R's: Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all their actions."



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8 Sales Challenges and Priorities for 2022– HubSpot

Even as we move toward some semblance of normalcy, sales, as a field, is still fundamentally different than it was just a few years ago. There are a host of new and emerging sales challenges that salespeople have to account for.

In the interest of helping you identify and overcome those issues, we reached out to sales experts and conducted some research. Here are eight of the main concerns facing salespeople in 2022 — as well as perspectives on how to address them. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up