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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Matt Sunshine

Matt Sunshine

Recent Posts by Matt Sunshine:

Boost Sales Performance with AI Coaching

Boost Sales Performance with AI Coaching

Leveraging technology to gain a competitive edge is not just advantageous; it's essential. AI-powered communication coaching is at the forefront of this transformation, offering sales teams a revolutionary way to enhance their performance.

By integrating artificial intelligence into sales training, organizations can provide their teams with personalized, data-driven insights that traditional methods simply can't match.

Topics: sales coaching AI

Inputs vs. Output: Do You Know What’s Really Driving Your Sales?

Inputs vs. Output

One of the most common debates in sales is how to best measure performance and other sales indicators.

While some organizations prefer process-oriented KPIs, others have an outcome-oriented bias. Both ends of the spectrum are invaluable for powering your sales, but when it comes to prioritizing inputs vs. output, the “i’s” have it.

Topics: sales metrics leading indicators

How to Keep Your Sales Team Happy and Productive

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Every business needs a skilled sales team to generate a positive ROI, but on-the-job performance is rarely the product of training alone. In fact, a marketing novice could keep up with an unengaged expert provided they use the right motivation and productivity strategies.

However, it’s much harder to motivate staff than it is to train them. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to motivational tactics, as every employee is unique and requires wildly different incentives to sell. Understanding these differences will allow you to use your talent effectively.

In this Quick Take episode, we’re breaking down how to keep your sales team happy and productive.

You’ll not only learn why employee happiness and productivity go hand-in-hand but also actionable ways to increase morale and sales numbers at the same time.

Topics: sales talent sales motivation

Sales Negotiation 101: Actions to Take and Avoid

Sales Negotiation 101

Did you know that only a quarter of all sales are successful?

HubSpot reported that its average win and close rates are 21% and 29%, respectively. This means that about three-quarters of all sales negotiations usually fail.

As a sales professional, you seek to improve your performance and fill the sales pipeline. However, in the entire process, the negotiation part is the most important.

Why? It can make or break the deal!

What are the do’s and don’ts, then?

This article is a basic guide to sales negotiation. Read on to learn what steps to take and what to avoid for a successful closing deal.

Topics: sales strategy sales process

What Does Providing a Valid Business Reason Mean?

What Does Providing a Valid Business Reason Mean

One of the most effective ways to connect with potential clients is by providing a valid business reason (VBR). But what exactly does this mean, and why is it so important?

A valid business reason goes beyond simply stating that you have a product or service to offer. It's about demonstrating real value to your prospects and showing them why engaging with you is worth their time and attention.

Topics: valid business reason prospecting

How to Track Revenue Performance

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In this Quick Take episode, we're tackling how to track revenue performance for maximum results.

From understanding the key metrics to utilizing the right tools, you'll be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively manage your revenue and make the best decisions for your business.

Topics: revenue performance

Sales Strategy: Get Out Of The Non-Communication Abyss

Get Out Of The Non-Communication Abyss

Have you ever felt like you're shouting into a void, your messages disappearing into thin air? Welcome to the non-communication abyss—a place where sales strategies go to die. 

Let us help pull you out of this chasm and revolutionize your sales approach.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance

10 Ways to Fill Your Sales Pipeline


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In this Quick Take episode, we're exploring one of the most crucial aspects of success as a business: the ability to keep your sales pipeline full. 
By the end of this short episode, you'll have 10 effective tactics at your disposal to ensure that your sales pipeline is never empty. 

Topics: podcasts sales pipeline

The New Reality of Prospect Engagement: Why More Touches Matter

The New Reality of Prospect Engagement

As sales leaders, we've all noticed a shift in buyer behavior over the past few years. At The Center for Sales Strategy, we've been tracking this trend closely, and it's clear that the landscape has changed dramatically.

Recent studies, including one from HubSpot, suggest it takes anywhere from 12 to 15 touches before a prospect is ready to meet with sales.

This might sound alarming, but it's our new reality. The question is: how do we adapt our strategies to meet this challenge head-on?

Topics: sales process prospecting

How Delegation Can Develop Your Sales Reps' Skills

How Delegation Can Develop Your Sales Reps Skills

Effective delegation goes beyond merely assigning tasks; it serves as a pivotal strategy for enhancing sales reps' skills, bolstering leadership within an organization, and fostering a culture of accountability and communication.

For sales managers, mastering delegation can lead to a more dynamic, adaptable, and successful sales team. This not only streamlines operations but also significantly contributes to each team member's personal and professional development.

Let's explore the significance of leadership and mentoring in the delegation process, the role of communication in executing tasks efficiently, and the importance of accountability in assessing the success of delegation efforts.

Topics: leadership development delegation