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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Matt Sunshine

Matt Sunshine

Recent Posts by Matt Sunshine:

How Delegation Can Develop Your Sales Reps' Skills

How Delegation Can Develop Your Sales Reps Skills

Effective delegation goes beyond merely assigning tasks; it serves as a pivotal strategy for enhancing sales reps' skills, bolstering leadership within an organization, and fostering a culture of accountability and communication.

For sales managers, mastering delegation can lead to a more dynamic, adaptable, and successful sales team. This not only streamlines operations but also significantly contributes to each team member's personal and professional development.

Let's explore the significance of leadership and mentoring in the delegation process, the role of communication in executing tasks efficiently, and the importance of accountability in assessing the success of delegation efforts.

Topics: leadership development delegation

The Role of AI in Sales Strategy: Leveraging Predictive Analytics for Smarter Targeting

The Role of AI in Sales Strategy

Imagine having a crystal ball that not only automates routine tasks but also provides deep insights and empowers you to confidently make data-driven decisions. That's the power of AI in sales, and it's transforming how top-performing teams operate.

Using predictive analytics, a strong AI mechanism, we can leverage the power of historical data to predict upcoming trends, easily identify potential leads, and adjust our sales strategies accordingly.

In this post, we look at how predictive analytics can change the game for our sales strategies with a focus on targeting.

Topics: sales strategy AI

How to Increase the Quality of Your Sales Leads

How to Increase the Quality of Your Sales Leads

What worked a few years ago and helped gain successful sales leads might be outdated and could never work now. For instance, there were times when cold calling was king, but it's not as effective in this age of digital marketing.

Therefore, adjusting your strategies is incredibly crucial in ensuring you get quality sales leads. Here's a detailed look at some of the strategies you can use.

Topics: Lead Nurturing Sales

Overcoming Challenges in Converting Prospects

Overcoming Challenges in Converting Prospects

Salespeople, even great salespeople, sometimes have trouble closing the deal. Getting to yes is often the hardest part of the sales process.

How hard?

As many as 57% of salespeople reported difficulty converting prospects into customers. If your team is having trouble with conversions, the first thing to do is figure out why.

Topics: prospecting sales challenges

The 90-Day Rule: Optimizing Your Entire Sales Process

The 90-Day Rule

Even when you are excellent at closing a sale, your numbers can be down due to natural ebbs and flows in the economy or product demand. But there are other reasons why you might not see the sales you want and deserve: you might not be doing your homework.

We get it; not everything your sales team does results in sales. And that’s okay, as long as you are prepping for future sales.

For some salespeople, the concept of pre-planning lasts as long as it takes to enter a new target persona in their contact list. The reality is that sales, especially sustained sales, is a minimum 90-day process and one that a sales team should always repeat.

Here’s a quick look at how you should be approaching your sales for next quarter.

Topics: sales process

Mind Over Time: 6 Lessons to Boost Your Productivity

Mind Over Time

We've all been therefeeling overwhelmed, scattered, and struggling to get things done. The traditional approach tells us to buckle down, make a to-do list, and manage our time better.

But what if the real key to productivity lies not in rigidly scheduling every minute but in learning to manage our minds?

David Kadavy's "Mind Management, Not Time Management" offers a fresh perspective and practical tips for boosting productivity by harnessing the power of your most precious resourceyour attention.

Topics: productivity time managemet

Want to Accelerate the Sales Cycle? Slow Down!

Want to Accelerate the Sales Cycle Slow Down

Studies show that reaching out to leads within an hour of them contacting you makes you seven times likelier to have meaningful conversations, and up to 50% of sales go to the vendor who responded first.

There’s also a tenfold decrease in your odds of making contact with a lead if you wait more than five minutes to reach out after they submit a web form.

Whether from clients, management, or themselves, salespeople are under a lot of pressure to perform faster in their sales processes. We live and work in a fast-paced, “want it now” culture that can feel overwhelming at times. Sometimes, there’s only one solution to closing more deals, and that’s to SLOW DOWN!

Topics: Needs Analysis sales process sales accelerator

Engaging a Decision Influencer to Pave the Way to a Decision Maker

Engaging a Decision Influencer to Pave the Way to a Decision Maker

When selling a product or service, not all outreach efforts should be directed directly at the decision maker, who has the final word on what will be bought.

Instead, it's more effective to engage with the people around them—influencers from whom they seek advice, people nearby who can speak favorably about your company, and sources of information they trust.

This is an even more vital strategy in B2B sales efforts. After all, the decision maker may not be the one using your product, adjusting workflows to accommodate it, or even engaging with the product directly at all. Instead, your sales teams need to develop a comprehensive approach for identifying and engaging with influencers who will ultimately lead you to decision makers (or lead the decision makers to you).

Start by clearly understanding the role of decision influencers in today's sales and buying experiences, how to reach out to these decision influencers, and, ultimately, how to leverage that connection to get in front of decision makers more effectively.

Topics: sales process prospecting

[INFOGRAPHIC] Key Takeaways From The 5th Annual Media Sales Report

CSS takeaways

According to the 5th Annual Media Sales Report, a staggering 81% of sales managers indicated that meeting their targets has become harder compared to the previous year.

While the goals may not be out of reach, the path to success requires concerted effort. This doesn't mean that the goals are not achievable. It just means that our work is cut out for us. 

The challenges faced by sales leaders are multifaceted, but the insights from this report offer a roadmap for navigating the path ahead.

Topics: media sales report

Discover the Value of Coaching Salespeople Using the Following Five Athletes as Examples

Discover the Value of Coaching Salespeople Using the Following Five Athletes as Examples  (1)

Your salespeople are more like athletes. They are always in a constant struggle to outperform rivals and meet set goals. Salespeople, just like athletes, encounter setbacks like pressure to perform and rejection in their day-to-day work.

Given the similarities, a sales team can benefit from coaching the same way athletes do. For salespersons, coaching can help refine critical skills like negotiation, communication, confidence, and decision-making.

Discover how coaching helped transform average athletes into super-talented individuals so you understand the value of coaching.

Topics: sales coaching