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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Matt Sunshine

Matt Sunshine

Recent Posts by Matt Sunshine:

Mastering the Art of Sales with AI: Best Practices and Strategies for Boosting Your Team's Performance

Mastering the Art of Sales with AI

Sales is the backbone of any successful business, and with technological advancements, it has become even more critical to stay ahead of the curve.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized how we approach sales, providing businesses with the tools they need to improve their team's performance and boost revenue. Mastering the art of sales with AI requires a combination of best practices and strategies that can help businesses stay competitive in today's fast-paced market.

Whether you're a sales manager looking to improve your team's performance or a business owner seeking to increase your bottom line, this guide will provide you with the insights and strategies you need to master the art of sales with AI. From leveraging data analytics to improving customer engagement, let’s explore the best practices and strategies to help you take your sales game to the next level.

Topics: sales performance AI

[INFOGRAPHIC] Quick Takes From The Media Sales Report

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If 2021 saw everyone still reeling from the “year that shall not be named,” then 2022 seems to be one of continued adjustment.

For example, it’s clear that “hybrid work” means different things to different people. Nearly half of sales managers (49%) view their desired hybrid schedule as a 50/50 split between in-office and work-from-home.

In this new Media Sales Report, you’ll see that salespeople don’t feel the same way. Other trends from the previous year seem to persist or have worsened. Take recruitment; 65% of sales managers say that finding and hiring new talent is the hardest part of their job. That figure is up by more than 10% compared to last year.

And while you will see a contrast between sales managers and salespeople in terms of an optimistic outlook, the fact is that 87% of managers see a bright future ahead. If you'd like to read the full report, download it here.

Topics: media sales report

Sales Thought Leaders To Follow

Sales Thought Leaders To Follow

Are you looking to stay on top of the latest trends and strategies within the sales industry?

It’s no secret that successful businesses need a strong sales department in order to be competitive. To give your team members an edge, it pays off to follow leaders in the field who have proven themselves as thought leaders: those individuals who can share insights and advice with inspiring stories, passion, and expertise.

In this article, we’ve rounded up some of the most influential sales gurus out there today – so if you want to know how to get ahead of your competition, join us as we explore our list of must-follow sales thought leaders!

Topics: thought leadership leadership development

5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Recruitment Process and Attract Top Talent

5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Recruitment Process and Attract Top Talent

Finding the right talent for your company is vital to its success. A comprehensive recruitment process is essential to attract, select and retain the best employees. However, many companies struggle to create an efficient and effective recruitment process.

But there is hope.

From creating a job description that accurately reflects the position to utilizing modern recruitment tools, these steps can help you attract and retain the best employees. With the right recruitment process in place, you can be confident you are hiring the right people for the job.

Topics: recruitment

Three Proven Strategies to Increase Your Business Revenue Performance

Three Proven Strategies to Increase Your Business Revenue Performance

Businesses need to continually strive for growth and success to remain competitive in the market.

One of the most important goals for any business is to increase its revenue performance. Many strategies can be employed to achieve this goal, but three of the most effective and proven strategies are to focus on customer service and satisfaction, to identify new target markets, and to increase the efficiency of existing operations.

By utilizing these strategies, businesses can gain a significant increase in their revenue performance, allowing them to continue to be successful and grow.

Topics: revenue performance

Best Tips and Tricks for Pipeline Tracking

Best Tips and Tricks for Pipeline Tracking

Pipeline tracking is essential for any sales team that wants to stay on top of their customer relationships and close more deals.

It helps to ensure your sales process is as efficient, effective, and streamlined as possible. By tracking every step of your sales process, from lead generation to customer onboarding, you can ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

With that in mind, here are some best practices for pipeline tracking that will help you make the most of your sales process and achieve the best results. With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to maximize your sales process and close more deals with ease.

Topics: IMPACT sales pipeline

Habits of Successful Salespeople ⁠— The Best Sales Hacks for 2023

Habits of Successful Salespeople

There are many habits that successful salespeople share. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Setting clear goals
  • Time management
  • Planning
  • Persistence
  • Communication skills
  • Empathy 
  • Adaptability
  • Continuous learning

Here are more detailed explanations from our experts at The Center for Sales Strategy.

Topics: selling tips

Set Your Team Up for Sustainable Sales Performance Going into 2023

Set Your Team Up for Sustainable Sales Performance

Think of sales performance as a three-legged stool. When all three legs are strong, there's nothing sturdier. But if one of the legs isn’t holding up its weight, the stool can no longer do its job.

Just as you need all three legs on that stool, so too must a sales organization have three solid legs to carry the weight of the expectations placed on it. As we get closer to 2023, ensure your team is strong in all three areas and set your team up for improved sales performance in the new year.

Topics: sales performance sales training sales talent

Pay Attention to Your Best Customers

Pay Attention to Your Best Customers

Your best customers are your competitors’ best prospects. At The Center for Sales Strategy, we have long said that it’s much easier to fill the bucket if it’s not leaking from the bottom. Many companies have an incredibly large need to go out and get new business every month—mainly because they're losing 33% or more of their current business.

It's true, and while new business is certainly one of the solutions for curing the problem of not retaining existing business, it’s really only a bandage. The problem of account attrition needs to be addressed and quickly solved.

Churning through clients quickly and not getting any sort of renewal will fatigue your sales team. Over time, they will lose confidence in what they are selling. Just imagine the revenue growth you'll experience without attrition and keeping the same amount of new business coming in.

Topics: sales strategy Sales COVID19 Resources

Managing Different Personality Types in a Hybrid Environment

Managing Different Personality Types in a Hybrid Environment

72% of the population wants hybrid work for the future, so more businesses are forced to adjust to this new setup. But finding a balance between working from home and being social can be challenging. 

For instance, you still need to conduct regular team meetings and manage different personality types. Thankfully attracting sales talent is only one part of the puzzle when shifting to a remote staff management strategy. 

Here's how to ensure everyone's voice is heard at work, even through a screen.

Topics: sales talent hybrid work