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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Matt Sunshine

Matt Sunshine

Recent Posts by Matt Sunshine:

Set Your Team Up for Sustainable Sales Performance Going into 2023

Set Your Team Up for Sustainable Sales Performance

Think of sales performance as a three-legged stool. When all three legs are strong, there's nothing sturdier. But if one of the legs isn’t holding up its weight, the stool can no longer do its job.

Just as you need all three legs on that stool, so too must a sales organization have three solid legs to carry the weight of the expectations placed on it. As we get closer to 2023, ensure your team is strong in all three areas and set your team up for improved sales performance in the new year.

Topics: sales performance sales training sales talent

Pay Attention to Your Best Customers

Pay Attention to Your Best Customers

Your best customers are your competitors’ best prospects. At The Center for Sales Strategy, we have long said that it’s much easier to fill the bucket if it’s not leaking from the bottom. Many companies have an incredibly large need to go out and get new business every month—mainly because they're losing 33% or more of their current business.

It's true, and while new business is certainly one of the solutions for curing the problem of not retaining existing business, it’s really only a bandage. The problem of account attrition needs to be addressed and quickly solved.

Churning through clients quickly and not getting any sort of renewal will fatigue your sales team. Over time, they will lose confidence in what they are selling. Just imagine the revenue growth you'll experience without attrition and keeping the same amount of new business coming in.

Topics: sales strategy Sales COVID19 Resources

Managing Different Personality Types in a Hybrid Environment

Managing Different Personality Types in a Hybrid Environment

72% of the population wants hybrid work for the future, so more businesses are forced to adjust to this new setup. But finding a balance between working from home and being social can be challenging. 

For instance, you still need to conduct regular team meetings and manage different personality types. Thankfully attracting sales talent is only one part of the puzzle when shifting to a remote staff management strategy. 

Here's how to ensure everyone's voice is heard at work, even through a screen.

Topics: sales talent hybrid work

5 Ways to Improve Your Sales Process

arrow-process-378765-editedThis post was originally published on Startups.co

Ditch the "why" of your sales conversation and focus on the "how" to show prospects that you hear and understand their needs and can solve their unique problems.

Buyers want things to be easy. So easy, in fact, that 89% of buyers say that they choose vendors that made a return on investment easier to prove or that could be easily justified with a business case. They also preferred speed over price — with 80% of buyers citing deployment and ease of use as “very important.”

Your customers want to understand how to use your product — not sit through a pitch and wonder if it’ll actually fit their needs. Selling is less about explaining why buyers should buy and more about showing how an easy-to-use product or service will help them.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance sales process

How to Keep Your Sales Team Happy and Productive

How to Keep Your Sales Team Happy and Productive

Every business needs a skilled sales team to generate a positive ROI, but on-the-job performance is rarely the product of training alone. In fact, a marketing novice could keep up with an unengaged expert provided they use the right motivation and productivity strategies.

However, it’s much harder to motivate staff than it is to train them. There’s no one size fits all approach to motivational tactics, as every employee is unique and requires wildly different incentives to sell. Understanding these differences will allow you to use your talent effectively.

Topics: sales talent sales motivation

The Difference Between a Retained Versus a Growth Sales Structure

The Difference Between a Retained Versus a Growth Sales Structure

As a sales leader, you often need to revamp your sales structure to improve your sales team’s or department’s effectiveness.

That involves carefully studying your current sales structure to determine what works and what doesn’t. In today’s rapidly evolving selling environment, many sales leaders have realized the benefits of shifting from a retained sales structure to a growth sales structure.

Topics: sales structure

5 Ways To Make Sales Training More Fun

5 Ways To Make Sales Training More Fun

Companies that invest in sales training are considered 57% more effective than companies that don't. When it comes to selling a product or service, teaching workers sales training may be more beneficial than you thought.

Sales training is when you teach your employees skills and techniques for creating sales opportunities. When done correctly, sales training can boost your business' revenue. Failing to train your workers in adequate sales training can lead to negative customer experiences.

But it all comes down to this: How do you make sales training enjoyable for your workers?

Topics: sales training

How to Respond to Sales Objections

Respond to Objections

Over 13 million people work in sales and related occupations. Yet, not all salespeople are created equal — some of them are better at the job than others. What separates a good salesperson from a great one?

Mainly being able to get past sales objections.

There is no salesperson who won't come up against these objections, so knowing how to handle them can make or break the deal. Here's what you should do when you meet the inevitable.

Topics: sales process

4 Ted Talks To Show in a Sales Meeting


If your sales meetings are typically focused on reviewing the budget pacing numbers and other housekeeping notes, then WOW are you missing a great opportunity. Sales meetings are a great place to do sales training or sales warm ups.

While most sales managers agree with this, they often share that one of the reasons they don’t do that sort of activity is because they don’t have time to prepare. Clients of The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS) often use one of the “sales meeting kits, ” but not everyone has that available to them. So, if you're looking for some content to enliven your next sales meeting, here are four TED talks that we recommend.

Topics: successful sales meetings COVID19 Resources

Ultimate Resource for Sales Motivation

Ultimate Resource for Sales Motivation

Every career has challenges, and that’s certainly true for sales professionals who often experience selling highs and lows.

Sales pros face numerous obstacles in their quest for success. They might have a difficult sales territory that requires lots of travel away from home. They might face a selling slump because of factors beyond their control such as an economic downturn or even a pandemic like COVID-19.

Sales managers can support their teams by motivating them to weather the rough times and inspiring them to keep growing in their careers and persevering even when their goals seem difficult–even impossible–to attain.

Here, we’ve created a resource to help managers motivate their sales professionals to keep striving and building their careers day after day.

Topics: sales motivation