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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Tirzah Thornburg

Recent Posts by Tirzah Thornburg:

Managing Highly Talented Salespeople – Is It Worth the Trouble?

Managing Highly Talented Salespeople – Is It Worth the Trouble

On a coaching call last week, a manager and I were discussing a seller new to his team. On pulling up this person’s sales assessment, all I could think was, “WOW! Look at all that talent!” This person was strong across the board.

So much potential.

Unfortunately, this seller was definitely not reaching their potential. Struggling, not making budget, not willing to learn, and a poor attitude. So, what was happening? Why was this highly talented person struggling, and is coaching them worth the effort?

Topics: sales talent

Are You Productive Or Just Busy?

Are You Productive Or Just Busy

Productivity refers to moving the sales cycle forward, improving application numbers, and increasing booked volume. Productivity measures how well you're able to meet the goals and objectives of your company, regardless of whether these are short-term or long-term goals.

On a day-to-day basis, if you write out a to-do list at the start of the day and are able to cross off most or all of the items by the end of the day, then you can consider it productive.

On a bigger scale, if you're able to meet the goals and objectives you have established for your company, then you're seeing productivity. Increasing productivity means that you will come closer to your goals. Remember, some people are more natural at this than others based on their talents.

Topics: sales performance sales productivity

Why Salespeople Are Quitting After 90 Days — And How To Prevent It

Why Salespeople Are Quitting After 90 Days — And How To Prevent It

During the first 90 days at a new job, the relationship between a new hire and their employer is as vulnerable as it gets: 20% of all employee turnover happens during those crucial three months.

Leaving a job before things really get going is becoming increasingly normal, especially for younger workers: Jobvite’s oft-cited annual “Job Seeker Nation” survey reports that 34% of them have, at some point in their young careers, left a job in the first 90 days.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Secrets to a Strong Interviewing Process

Secrets to a Strong Interviewing Process

An interview can make or break a company’s relationship with a new hire.

A thorough interview process, using a validated talent assessment, looking for strengths, talents, and fit for the position, and examining fit to culture, can provide a strong jump off to a successful and lucrative career.

A desperation hire where a “warm body” is hired with no thought to their success can only lead to frustration, bad feelings on both sides, and repeating the process when the new hire quits. So, what are the secrets to a strong interviewing process and successful employer/employee relationship?

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent assessment sales talent

Minimizing Internal Roadblocks – Let Your Sellers Sell!

minimize the roadblocks

Have you ever heard a seller complain that there just isn’t enough paperwork to be completed?

How about that they wish your CRM was more complex?

Or that there aren’t enough departments involved in their sales?

As a manager, it's likely that you have heard the exact opposite from most of your salespeople. Hunters like to hunt, but many don’t really like to cook or clean up after their kill. What are ways that you can let your sellers sell and minimize the roadblocks they deal with?

Topics: sales performance internal roadblocks

The 3 Phases of Onboarding

The 3 Phases of Onboarding

The war for talent is particularly brutal right now, so once you find and hire the right person, you might be tempted to pat yourself on the back and relax.

Unfortunately, while you may have won a single battle, the war is still on. It's vital to plan out your strategy and then apply it.

How? By creating a strong onboarding plan that impresses your new hire and sets them on the path to being a top performer. Let’s discuss the 3 phases of our battle plan.

Topics: onboarding new employee onboarding

Interviewing Techniques and Trends for 2021

Interviewing Techniques and Trends for 2020

Although lowering, unemployment rates are still much higher than we’ve seen in recent years. However, don’t let that fool you; as you can see, it’s still a very competitive job market out there.

Why? In part, because smart companies are examining their talent and prioritizing their top performers. When they know it’s time to let someone go, you can guarantee it’s not going to be their top people. However, while unemployment is higher, top talent is still scarce.

How can you structure your interview process to let top talent shine through? And beyond that, how can you change your traditional interviewing process to show top talent you have an adaptable, strong company culture?

Topics: company culture recruitment sales talent

Why The Talent of Problem Solving is Essential for Sales Performance

Why The Talent of Problem Solving is Essential for Sales Performance

You have a salesperson who has a great, positive attitude. The clients love them and they do a great job at getting that first appointment and building a relationship with clients. 

BUT they tend to use the same few solutions over and over.

And when clients or coworkers come to this person with an issue, it ruins their day — it gets them completely off track, and they just can’t seem to find the way back. What’s the problem?! 

Is the individual's positivity not as high as it should be? Is discipline the issue? Actually, what you're witnessing may be their lack of ability to problem solve.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent

4 Key Steps to Pre-Boarding New Hires

4 Key Steps to Pre-Boarding New Hires

Google the phrase “Pre-Boarding a new hire” and over 8 Million results appear in .66 seconds. Your top results are ads with On-Boarding check lists, software, and packets. So, what is pre-boarding?

Harver.com describes pre-boarding as “whatever process your company has up and running when the candidate accepts their job offer, right the way through to their first actual day working for you. The focus should be preparing your new hire and drumming up some excitement as their first day approaches.”

Topics: onboarding pre-boarding

How to Identify Where Your Sales Team is Struggling

How to Identify Where Your Sales Team is Struggling

2020 has been a strange year for everyone. Successful teams who are used to winning find themselves struggling. And managers, who are used to leading successful teams, are trying to coach and help reps who aren’t used to struggling.

If this sounds like a situation you’re experiencing, how can you identify where your team needs help and get them back on track?

Topics: sales process sales talent