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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Nielsen Gives TV Reason to Smile and 100 Best Places to Work for Millennials

iStock_000036160628_Small_blogThere's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here, bringing you the weekly wrap up.  

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. These 10 Tips From a CEO Can Take Your Career From Average to Awesome {Inc}

This question was answered by Nelson Wang, CEO of Collide on QuoraWhat is the single greatest piece of career advice you've ever received?

Topics: Wrap-up

10 Habits of Success to Adopt into Your Daily Routine

Screen_Shot_2015-06-18_at_4.11.35_PMThere's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here, bringing you the weekly wrap up.  

Topics: Wrap-up

Jobs are at a 14-Year High

Why_Millenials_Quit_Sales_JobsWhat have you been reading lately? There's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here, bringing you the weekly wrap up.

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. Jobs are at a 14-year high {USA Today}

The number of job openings in the US has surged to a 14-year high… shifting the power from potential employers to applicants. This is a good time for sales managers to take our brand and connect course and focus on the suggested action steps to get more attention from top applicants.

2. Customer value optimization {Digital Marketer}

This flow chart and blog post show Digital Marketer's path to purchase. It's a neat way to think about what to do after each step.
Topics: Wrap-up

The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals

professionals-and-amateursWhat have you been reading lately? There's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here, bringing you the weekly wrap up.

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. The difference between amateurs and professionals {James Clear}

Being a pro is about having the discipline to commit to what is important to you instead of merely saying something is important to you.

2. How meditation at work improves productivity {strategy+business}

Mindful work is the practice of using meditation techniques to increase productivity, and there's a new book out that describes what goes on in some of the workplaces in America.
Topics: Wrap-up

The Best Leaders are Like...Gardeners?

gardeners-leadersWhat have you been reading lately? There's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here, bringing you the weekly wrap up.

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. The best leaders are like gardeners, according to General McChrystal {Inc}

Are you a gardener? If so, you may do some of your best thinking while you're engrossed in the garden. Watch this short video to see the parallel.

2. How finance executives measure the ROI of inbound marketing {Contently}

They call it content marketing (probably because their company is Contently) but the same thing applies. Set goals, then measure against them. What they don't say? That you should give credit to inbound marketing even when it feels like the lead came from another source.
Topics: Wrap-up

A Bizarre but Effective Way to Take Your Business to the Next Level

sales-contests-dont-work-target-drives-workWhat have you been reading lately? There's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here, bringing you the weekly wrap up.

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. A really strange way to level up {Inc}

This CEO pretends to be interviewed on the big stage, in the future, when he's struggling with taking his business to the next level.

2. As social media evolves, so too does their function {AlleyWatch}

We now get our news from Facebook, and Twitter, oddly, is often used when recruiting.
Topics: Wrap-up

What is Sales Enablement, Anyway?

sales-enablement-toolsWhat have you been reading lately? There's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here.

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. What is sales enablement, anyway? {SalesForce}

The term "sales enablement" is thrown around all the time, and yet, when we talk to people, there doesn't seem to be any clarity at all on what it is. SalesForce does a nice job clarifying and categorizing things that fall under sales enablement.

2. Marcus Lemonis tells us when to take bigger risks {Inc.}

Marcus Lemonis talks to Elizabeth Frank about taking risks, and that she's actually taking more risks than she thinks she is. In three and a half minutes, he gets her to talk about her bigger concern: that growing her business means she sacrifices something bigger.
Topics: Wrap-up

How to Know When it's Time to Fire Someone

how-to-get-ready-to-fire-someoneWhat have you been reading lately? There's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here.

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. 5 clear signs it's time to fire someone {Inc.}

Have you been wondering if there's a sign it's time to let someone go? Turns out, there are five signs. People who don't play nice with others, or who don't produce enough to balance their negativity aren't worth keeping around, says Inc.

2. 101 best email subject lines {Digital Marketer}

This is worth bookmarking for future reference (though remember, when you're writing one-off emails, the best subject line is the name of a reference).

3. Car dealers are gathering momentum, and you can help them {Marketing Mind}

Topics: Wrap-up

The Desk that Bosses You Around

standing-deskWhat have you been reading lately? There's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here.

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. The desk that bosses you around {AlleyWatch}

I have a sit-stand desk in my office, and I have to agree with the reviewer -- it's hard to motivate myself to stand as much as I should! So this robot desk is interesting. However, I don't think I'll be able to get around the price tag, so I'll have to find other ways to stand more.

2. Lessons from honest (too honest?) marketing campaigns {IMG}

This article looks at some shockingly honest marketing campaigns (Avis is the #1 example) and pulls lessons from them. Listen to experts, pick an enemy, admit you have competition, and more.

3. Everyone uses a cell phone now {Marketing Mind}

Topics: Wrap-up

Science Proves Early Birds Get More Worms

early-birds-get-more-wormsWhat have you been reading lately? There's so much content published every week that a person can never read it all themselves. That's why we're here.

Here are the five articles that piqued our interest:

1. 11 reasons (provided by science) why early birds are more successful {Inc.}

I am an early bird, so I am naturally drawn to this article. Early birds are happier, more proactive, and get things done when there are fewer distractions.

2. Delacroix writes about the conflicting needs of socializing and solitude. {Brain Pickings}

Excerpts from Eugene Delacroix's journal show his increasing need for solitude while working. Glimpses like these into the great minds of previous centuries make me wonder what they'd accomplish with today's increasingly distracted world.

3. Binge drinking facts to use with DUI attorneys {Marketing Mind}

Topics: Wrap-up