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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Trey Morris

Trey Morris

Recent Posts by Trey Morris:

Persistence Pays Off: 3 Ways to Secure New Business Appointments

Persistence Pays Off

Securing new business appointments is crucial for success in sales.

These days, it's quite challenging to get new business appointments. This difficulty is a key reason why many salespeople struggle and why sales organizations often miss their goals.

Research in sales indicates it typically takes eight attempts to reach a prospect. However, 92% of salespeople give up after just four tries. This explains why many are struggling to secure more appointments.

To excel in sales, it's essential to blend persistence with a clear purpose to secure new appointments. Here are three effective strategies.

Topics: increasing new business

Sales Roadblocks: The Power of Diagnostic Assessment

Sales Roadblocks The Power of Diagnostic Assessment

The path to sales success is rarely a straight line. But what if I told you that there's a way to navigate this winding journey with a bit more clarity?

Enter the world of diagnostic assessment. It's not a magic wand, but it's pretty darn close. Let's dive in.

Topics: sales diagnostic

5 Email Strategies That Open Doors

5 Email Strategies That Open Doors

Getting through to a potential customer or prospect is more challenging than ever. The email inbox, once a haven for personal messages, has become a battleground for attention. With the average person receiving dozens, if not hundreds, of emails daily, standing out is essential. 

For businesses, the goal is not just to be noticed but to initiate meaningful conversations and, ultimately, set up that all-important initial meeting.

Let's dive into effective ways to seize a prospect's attention with your emails.

Topics: email sales process

Outsmarting the Machine: Elevate Your Sales Game in the Age of AI

Elevate Your Sales Game in the Age of AI

You've heard the ominous predictions about the future of sales in the age of AI and automation.

Will machines replace us? Are we on the brink of becoming obsolete?

Relax, put those fears to bed. Today, we're diving into how you can not only stay relevant but thrive in this new world.

Topics: AI

3.5 Unbeatable Tactics to Skyrocket Your Appointments

3 Tips to Supercharge Appointment Setting

The difference between success and failure is your new business!

Even the most seasoned sales veteran will experience 30% attrition every year. That means if we do not add new business in three years, your sales will dwindle to almost nothing. And if you add 30% in new business or incremental business each year, you'll basically just be treading water, not actually growing.

Topics: sales process getting appointments

Day 101: 3 Ways to Develop New Sales Reps

3 Ways to Develop New Sales Reps

Every sales manager has an onboarding procedure for new reps, beginning with day 1.

Do paperwork, have lunch with the boss, shadow some veteran salespeople, start building a prospect list, etc.

The first 30, 60, and 90 days of onboarding new sales reps are pretty standard. (Of course, we recommend that you follow the CSS Onboarding Checklist). 

However, what are your plans on Day 101 for your new sales reps?

Topics: onboarding employee development

The $1,000 Sales Meeting

The $1,300 Sales Meeting

Sales meetings are more than just a routine; they have the potential to inspire, motivate, and educate your sales team.

A productive sales meeting introduces your team to new information, solutions, and opportunities, ultimately driving revenue. But a poorly executed one? It can demoralize and waste precious time and resources.

Topics: successful sales meetings

5 Crazy Ways to Recruit

5 Crazy Ways to Recruit

Are you tired of traditional recruiting methods that don't seem to work for finding top-performing salespeople?

It's time to shake things up and think outside of the box. With Millennials and Gen Z not as interested in traditional sales roles, relying on hiring retreads from your competition is no longer a viable option.

It's time to get a little crazy in your search for your next sales superstar. 

Topics: recruitment remote sales team

Is Underperformance a Reflection of Leadership?

Is Underperformance a Reflection of Leadership

I have some news for you, both good and bad.

The good news is that your team's success depends entirely on your salespeople. Now, for the bad news... your success also hinges on the salespeople on your team.

In other words, your sales team's ability to close deals and meet targets determines whether you win or lose.

It may sound daunting, but it doesn't have to be. You have control over your destiny. You get to choose who joins your sales team and how they perform based on your hiring and leadership.

So, when your team is underperforming, resist the temptation to point fingers and blame external factors like the market, economy, product, or the team itself. The truth is, it reflects on your leadership. This is your team, your salespeople, and it's up to you to address the issues.

Topics: leadership development

3 Reasons Sales Coaching is a Game Changer

3 Reasons Sales Coaching is a Game Changer

A great coach can impact the outcome of a game more than any player. This is why we revere great coaches like Belichek, Walsh, and Landry. Their greatness stems from their ability to transfer knowledge beyond themselves by inspiring their players to become more than the sum of their parts! 

As the sales leader in your organization, you are the coach of a high-performance sports team. Your job is not writing up plays, sitting back in the coach's box, and watching the game. Your job is to be on the field observing and helping your players be the best that they can be. Coaching is the cornerstone to achieving this.

Topics: sales coaching