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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Susan McCullin

Susan McCullin

Recent Posts by Susan McCullin:

5 Misconceptions About Talent and Strength Management

5 Misconceptions About Talent and Strength Management

Recently, I have been spending a lot of time talking with managers about their underperforming salespeople.

I want to help leaders win, and having AEs who are not performing is a huge problem for most. This made me reflect on how leaders hire and where they spend their time. Unfortunately, many leaders spend a lot of their time with AEs who have a “talent” deficit.  

You can’t go back to the same dry well looking for water. No matter how much time and energy you put into the well, water will not suddenly appear.

Still, many leaders think they can change the person, and they keep putting time and training into them, hoping they will suddenly “get it”.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent

How to Stop Your Competitors from Stealing Your Key Accounts

How to Stop Your Competitors from Stealing Your Key Accounts

In sales, there are only two kinds of customers: the ones you know other salespeople are trying to steal... and those you don’t know other salespeople are trying to steal!

You should treat all accounts as if someone else is trying to win them over and take your lead. So, what are some steps you can take toward Key Account retention?

Topics: key account growth

5 Practical Ways to Help Salespeople Build On Their Strengths

5 Practical Ways to Help Salespeople Build On Their Strengths

As the new fiscal year approaches, sales managers should evaluate and leverage their teams' unique strengths. Recognizing and nurturing individual sellers' talents can lead to improved performance and better results.

Our strengths are hard-wired in us from a very early age, and people notice and appreciate them when they are strong. To develop these talents over time, we need to practice using them.

Many of us learned the value of practice through sports, dance, music, or academics, realizing that we got better with consistent effort. The same principle applies to developing strengths in a professional setting.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales coaching

The Media Salesperson’s Appointment Dilemma

The Media Salesperson’s Appointment Dilemma

The media sales industry faces a significant challenge: securing quality appointments with prospects ready to do business.

Media salespeople excel when engaging with prospects, identifying needs, and selling solutions, but the current system forces them to spend excessive time cold calling. This inefficiency leads to only one or two quality appointments a week, hindering even the most talented sellers from achieving better results.

The process needs a fundamental change to improve outcomes.

Topics: sales strategy getting appointments

Habits of Top Sales Hunters

Habits of Top Sales Hunters

Habits are routine behaviors that are repeated enough to become automatic. Habits help enhance productivity, build relationships, and increase overall performance.

Many AEs need to add new habits to their priorities. Adding some or all of the below will help improve your chances of closing deals and achieving your sales goals. Take a look!

Topics: Needs Analysis sales performance

Understanding Relationship and Task Tension During The Needs Analysis Process

Understanding Relationship and Task Tension During The Needs Analysis Process

The initial encounter with a prospective client can feel like navigating a minefield of uncertainty. This delicate phase is fraught with what we call relationship tension—a natural byproduct of unfamiliarity and the inherent skepticism that accompanies interactions with sales professionals.

Understanding and effectively managing this tension is paramount to fostering productive conversations and building trust, which are essential ingredients for successful sales outcomes.

Topics: Needs Analysis prospecting

Unveiling New Business Success: The Top 6 Essential Talents for Hunter Sellers and Why

The Top 6 Essential Talents for Hunter Sellers and Why

Achieving excellence requires more than just closing deals—it demands a unique blend of talents that propel individuals to greatness.

As sales managers strive to curate their roster of business superstars, identifying candidates who embody the following six key talents, known as the "hunter themes," is paramount to new business development.

Topics: sales talent

Spring Cleaning: A 10-Step Guide to Cleaning Up Your Account List

Spring Cleaning

Account List Management is easy, but many don’t see it as a priority. 

I suggest you take a few minutes to “spring clean” your account list. You will find many “Aha’s” when looking at it closely.  Here’s a simple outline of how to clean up your list.  

Topics: key account growth account list management

Does Your Branding Represent YOU?

Does Your Branding Represent YOU

Crafting a robust professional brand is paramount, particularly for sales professionals and leaders alike.

As a coach, I work closely with individuals at various stages of their careers, digging into their past and current experiences to understand the challenges they face and the solutions they bring to the table.

Through these discussions, I gain insights into their passions and aspirations, shaping their professional identity.

Topics: sales strategy personal brand branding

Renewal Realities: Navigating the Challenges of Client Retention

Renewal Realities

The 5th Annual Media Sales Report asked salespeople where their jobs are getting easier and where they are harder. 31% of salespeople responded that renewing clients is more challenging than ever before.

It's indeed crucial to recognize the evolving dynamics of client renewals in today's market landscape. With the increasing options available to clients, retaining them has become more challenging and important than ever before.

Here are some effective retention strategies that can be implemented throughout the sales process.

Topics: renewal media sales report