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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Kate Rehling

Kate Rehling

Recent Posts by Kate Rehling:

Your Employees are Burned Out – Here’s How You Can Save Them

Your Employees are Burned Out

The dreaded condition - burnout. It creeps through your office like a slow fog. It’s easy to miss at first, but once burnout sets in, it’s nearly impossible to navigate forward. A recent study by Gallup found that 70% of employees either sometimes or often feel burned out at work.

Burnout isn’t just “needing a break” from work. It’s a state of chronic job stress that results in overall frustration, exhaustion, and defeat.

One burned-out employee leads to another. And worse – burnout can lead to turnover…which can lead to additional burnout in your remaining employees. As a manager, it’s up to you to recognize the signs of burnout and ensure you have practices in place to prevent it from taking over.

Topics: employee burnout

3 Things to Start Doing Right Now to Hold Yourself Accountable

3 Things to Start Doing Right Now to Hold Yourself Accountable

Accountability falls under two categories: the things we do and the things we do not do. We often discuss accountability related to what’s accomplished, but do you truly take the time to hold yourself accountable for what doesn’t get done?

As a leader, accountability begins with you. You set the example. So, do you hold yourself accountable as often as you hold your team accountable?

Here are three quick tips to “up” your internal accountability game.

Topics: leadership sales leadership

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When a Salesperson is Underperforming

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When a Salesperson is Underperforming

One of your most important jobs as a leader is to mentor and coach, but it can be one of the most difficult parts of your job if you have an underperforming seller on your team. It’s easy to think things like “they’re not working hard enough,” “they aren’t motivated,” or maybe even “it’s time to throw in the towel.”

Before you take drastic measures and place the blame on your underperformer, here are five questions to ask yourself.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

Which is More Important in a Sales Manager: Empathy or Accountability?

Which is More Important in a Sales Manager Empathy or Accountability

Imagine you’re at the grocery store with your three-year-old son. He’s promised you he’ll behave, and you’re planning to surprise him with a treat at the checkout counter.

You’re roughly halfway through your grocery list when he starts to get antsy. He wants out of the cart and promptly begins pulling things off the shelves, so you put him back in the cart, and he begins throwing a temper tantrum. You look at your watch – it’s getting close to lunchtime, which is closely followed by naptime. It’s becoming apparent that you have a decision to make.

Do you choose to use empathy by giving him a big hug, telling him you love him, and letting him know you understand it can be tough to be patient—or do you choose to hold him accountable to his promise of good behavior? And which one is the right thing to do?

Topics: leadership sales management

How to Set the Right Expectations When Coaching Salespeople

How to Set the Right Expectations When Coaching Salespeople

You may not realize it, but you are setting expectations all the time. You set expectations in everything you do and in everything you don’t do.

It’s an amazing power to have. As a leader, you can have a positive impact on the lives of each person you manage based on the expectations you set for them.

Topics: sales coaching

5 Way to Determine Fit When Hiring

5 Way to Determine Fit When Hiring

If you use a validated talent assessment as part of your hiring process, it’s tempting to move forward with a hire if they’re assessment quickly says “recommended.” But recommended doesn’t mean “recommended for hire.” Recommended means “recommended to move forward in the interview process.”

The Growth Formula specifies that (Talent + Fit) x Investment = Growth. Once you determine whether or not someone has the right talents for the role you’re filling, it’s equally as important to consider their fit.

Topics: sales talent hiring for culture fit

How Consistent is Your Feedback?

 How Consistent is Your Feedback

Have you ever played the hot and cold guessing game? “You’re freezing cold, you’re thawing out, you’re getting warmer, you’re on fire!”

The person in charge of the game hides an object and then gives you feedback based on how close (hot) or far (cold) you are from what they’ve hidden. Now imagine searching for their hidden object without receiving any feedback on how hot or cold you are. The best-case scenario would be accidentally stumbling on the hidden object. The worst-case scenario would be continuing to wander aimlessly, and likely throwing in the towel due to frustration or hopelessness.

The more feedback you’re given, the more your game performance improves. If the feedback stops, your progress stops with it. The same can be said for your team members. The most effective leaders provide consistent feedback to their people.

Topics: sales performance feedback

A Leader’s Guide to Recruiting Sales Superstars

A Leader’s Guide to Recruiting Sales Superstars

According to Fortune, 65% of US workers are looking for a new job. If you’re looking to fill a position, that sounds promising, right?

But wait LinkedIn found that 76% of managers admit attracting the right candidates is their greatest challenge.

With so many workers looking for new jobs, why are managers still struggling to attract talent? The answer is recruitment.

Topics: hiring salespeople recruitment

What Lights Your Fire? 6 Tips for Employee Motivation

What Lights Your Fire 6 Tips for Employee Motivation

Everyone you manage is uniquely wired with differing drives, values, and motivation levels. If you take a moment to reflect on your team, you can probably identify those who only need a little spark from you to light their fire and motivate them, while others require you to gather kindling, get down on your hands and knees, and rub sticks together before they’re fully motivated with fire in their bellies.

One of the questions I love to ask salespeople is simply – what motivates you to get out of bed and go to work in the morning? I’ve collected a variety of answers over time. Below are some of the most frequent answers I’ve received, along with tips to help maximize each motivation.

Topics: motivation

A Quick Guide to Acquiring Top Sales Talent to Build an Effective Organization

A Quick Guide to Acquiring Top Sales Talent to Build an Effective Organization

NBA Coach Phil Jackson once said, “The strength of the team is each individual member.” His thought holds true within your sales teams.

Each person on your team needs to have the right combination of talent and fit to be successful. But in this competitive job market, how can you attract top talent to your organization?

Topics: sales talent