Stress around the holidays is one thing… stress 12 months a year as a B2B sales consultant is another. Here are five ways to minimize the stress often attached to helping people and organizations improve sales performance.
1. Pick your customers wisely!
Be selective when courting new business prospects. Simply put, some prospects will bring you plenty of stress after they sign on the dotted line. Here are some things to look out for and questions to ask during the getting to know a new customer process:
- Is the potential customer a grinder during the negotiation process? Consultant beware: The grinding rarely stops with this type of customers.
- Does the prospect have the potential to spend like your best customers?
- How likely will the prospect be to make the types of changes you plan on recommending? Perhaps conducting an evaluation of the potential customer's willingness to change before accepting a B2B training job should be on your to-do list.
2. Develop a plan to lock in your top spending customers—also known as key accounts—three months before each contract expires.
3. Choose to end relationships with small spending accounts—also known as secondary accounts—which give you headaches!
This additional by subtraction will not only minimize headaches, it will also add time back onto your schedule… time you can invest in more worthy customers.
4. Eat wisely and exercise when you are on the road.
Figure out a way to burn calories at least every other day when traveling. This does not always mean going to the gym!
5. Become a travel pro!
Minimizing hassles when traveling enables sales consultants to be at the top of their game. Here are three tips to reduce the stress of travel:
Maximize reward points.
Try to get as many reward points as possible. Airline points, hotel points, car rental points, or any other frequently used service, you want to rack up as many points as possible. To do this, try to fly the same airline, stay at the same hotel chain, and rent from the same car rental company. You will save time as you become familiar with their systems, which will reduce stress and help you move more efficiently through the booking and check-in. Plus you can use your points and take a stress buster vacation at the end of the year!
Get your packing system down.
This tip might appear simple, but many consultants don’t have a repeatable packing system for every time they travel. Make a pack list and simply check off each item as you put it in your case; this will save time and prevent forgetting to pack things like a belt, a blouse or other basics.
Also, invest in a suitcase that you really like and that you know without a doubt will fit in the overhead compartment. Look for things like durability, wheels, and extra pockets as you make your selection. Having a good system plus a great suitcase will make your business travel better… and one less thing to stress about!
Buy a great set of headphones.
I wish someone had told me this when I first got into this line of work. Headphones are important for many reasons. You might need them to listen to your voicemails in a crowded airport, or to carry on a phone conversation with an important client. They are also needed in the air if you plan to listen to music while you work or if you want to relax and watch a movie. Plus a nice pair of headphones can block out a chatty seatmate!