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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Is the HiPPO Stifling Your Team’s Creativity?

Is the HiPPO Stifling Your Team’s Creativity

In species terms, a hippo is the world’s third largest mammal, but in business terms, a hippo refers to the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion.

Have you ever been in a meeting where people ask for opinions, but no one speaks up until the HiPPO in the room speaks? Or maybe you’ve been the HiPPO in the room, and everyone’s simply always agreed with everything you’ve said. When the HiPPO dominates the conversation, other team members' ideas and perspectives can be overshadowed.

Topics: leadership

The Power of Asking Questions as a Leader

The Power of Asking Questions as a Leader

Asking questions is one of our most important, yet overlooked, skills for effective communication, whether at work or in life. The best leaders are often not the ones who have the answers - they are the ones who ask the right questions and actively listen to what others have to say.

There is an art to asking questions that bring others to the table, encourage their opinions and perspectives, and help them see their value to your team and company.

Famous leaders throughout history have often used questions to inspire, lead, and drive change. As Oprah Winfrey herself said, "When you ask the right questions, you get the right answers."

Topics: leadership

How to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Control Success

How to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Control Success

Leaders today are facing an ever-increasing number of complex scenarios that demand their attention. In the fast-paced world of business, the conveyor belt of challenges never stops moving, and no two situations are ever the same. 

But for effective leaders, this is just another day at the office. They possess the ability to quickly assess the situation and give themselves the right instructions for success. They are skilled at thinking on their feet and making split-second decisions that can make all the difference. These instructions that they give themselves are the Mindset, and combined with their Talents, or natural abilities, they have become superheroes of the business world. 

As a leader, when you grasp and harness your Top Talents, coupled with the appropriate Mindset - which can change through continuous learning and growth - you are empowered to steer the situation towards success with ease.

Topics: leadership growth mindset

Transforming Words into Profits: Harnessing the Power of Storytelling to Motivate Your Sales Team

Harnessing the Power of Storytelling to Motivate Your Sales Team

Think back to the last time you were truly moved by a story you heard. Maybe it was a heartwarming tale that tugged on your emotions. It could have been a story about overcoming impossible adversity. Maybe it was even a tragic tale of loss and redemption. Whatever the case may be, stories have a unique power to evoke emotion and connect us with others.

Most ideas are presented using data. While data has the potential to persuade people, stories have the power to move people.

Storytelling isn’t just limited to books and movies. It is a powerful and underutilized tool that can help you achieve your business goals. Whether you're trying to motivate your team, connect with prospects and customers, or win the close, try tapping into the power of storytelling.

Topics: leadership

Leading with Empathy: Why Compassionate Leadership Matters

Why Compassionate Leadership Matters

We spend a great deal of our lives at work, and one of the things that can make or break that experience is whether we have a good leader. Not just someone who can bring in the numbers but someone who can lead people.

To be an effective and respectful leader, one must lead with empathy and compassion.

Topics: leadership leadership development

3 Things Every Sales Manager Must Do to Become a Sales Leader

3 Things Every Sales Manager Must Do to Become a Sales Leader

As a former sales manager and c-suite executive leader, and now working alongside sales managers to help them grow their teams, I know that a sales management career can really make an impact.

Sales managers are your frontline leaders. They work with their teams to focus on goals and objectives for the organization. Sales managers direct expectations, show people and instruct people in ways to achieve the company goals. Being a sales manager is extremely trackable and measurable. Their job is more about administering the work and ensuring the day-to-day activities are getting done as they should.

Topics: leadership

3 Things to Start Doing Right Now to Hold Yourself Accountable

3 Things to Start Doing Right Now to Hold Yourself Accountable

Accountability falls under two categories: the things we do and the things we do not do. We often discuss accountability related to what’s accomplished, but do you truly take the time to hold yourself accountable for what doesn’t get done?

As a leader, accountability begins with you. You set the example. So, do you hold yourself accountable as often as you hold your team accountable?

Here are three quick tips to “up” your internal accountability game.

Topics: leadership sales leadership

Do You Have the Right Mindset to be a Successful Leader Today?

Do You Have the Right Mindset to be a Successful Leader Today

When we think of leadership, we often think of qualities or characteristics such as courage, inspiration, or perseverance. These qualities or traits are actually one of several ingredients in a powerful recipe for success and winning. That recipe is mindset.

Unprecedented headwinds over the past few years have created immense challenges and uncertainty. Leaders of companies big and small have faced a global pandemic; supply chain issues; inflation; and talent shortages just to name a few.

Topics: leadership sales leadership

What Does It Mean To Be An Inspiring Leader

What Does It Mean To Galvanize As A Leader (1)

An inspirational leader is someone who can motivate their team members. They can get things done by making others feel like part of the team. They can rally the team and keep them motivated and focused on the goal. They are not afraid to take charge and lead their team.

Here are some key characteristics of an inspiring leader.

Topics: leadership

Which is More Important in a Sales Manager: Empathy or Accountability?

Which is More Important in a Sales Manager Empathy or Accountability

Imagine you’re at the grocery store with your three-year-old son. He’s promised you he’ll behave, and you’re planning to surprise him with a treat at the checkout counter.

You’re roughly halfway through your grocery list when he starts to get antsy. He wants out of the cart and promptly begins pulling things off the shelves, so you put him back in the cart, and he begins throwing a temper tantrum. You look at your watch – it’s getting close to lunchtime, which is closely followed by naptime. It’s becoming apparent that you have a decision to make.

Do you choose to use empathy by giving him a big hug, telling him you love him, and letting him know you understand it can be tough to be patient—or do you choose to hold him accountable to his promise of good behavior? And which one is the right thing to do?

Topics: leadership sales management