When cash from new business prospects starts to flow, business problems almost magically disappear. Here are five simple steps that will modify your sales strategy and jump start your new business machine:
by Kurt Sima, on April 24, 2012
When cash from new business prospects starts to flow, business problems almost magically disappear. Here are five simple steps that will modify your sales strategy and jump start your new business machine:
by Kurt Sima, on January 17, 2012
2012 is here! Time to start a new year. Time to start selling more! Most sales leaders and sellers agree that it is a good idea to sell more from one year to the next. Unfortunately, accomplishing this goal can be a challenge in these turbulent economic times. It's time to break the cycle. Here's a list of 5 simple steps that will help you start the year off selling:
by Kurt Sima, on December 14, 2011
If you'd like to build a winning sales team, take a look at the Pittsburgh Steelers. As a Cleveland Brown's fan, this breaks my heart to admit this fact; however, one look at the bottom line (wins) tells the story. Here are 5 things that you could do to build a winning sales tradition like the Steelers:
by Kurt Sima, on December 6, 2011
The new year is almost here. Do you know everything you should about your top spending customers? If you are serious about improving sales performance in the coming year, here are 5 things you should know about all your accounts, especially your top spenders:
by Kurt Sima, on November 22, 2011
Too many people focus on quantity. You've heard this: It's a numbers game. Give me more, more, more! This seems to be the rallying cry of most leaders these days. As more organizations become seduced by the concept of quantity, many have walked away from the concept of quality.
I'm a big fan of quality. One does not exist without the other. Quality leads to quantity in just about everything in the business world (and life). If you want to improve sales performance in your organization, here are five areas that should have a foundation of quality:
by Kurt Sima, on November 3, 2011
Expanding your sphere of influence—and getting to know more people within your current customer base—makes common sense. It also makes good business sense.
by Kurt Sima, on August 16, 2011
Improve your sales performance. Sales managers can gain unique perpsectives on hiring and developing more effective sales teams. Salespeople can improve their approach to getting more appointments with target prospects, uncovering desired business results, and engaging clients in a collaborative process that leads to the sale.
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