Welcome to the wild world of B2B sales training! If you're a B2B sales trainer, you no doubt came to the position with years of experience.
However, there are ten things you may not have learned before you made the leap, but you should have. Do you know the following ten things? You should. If not, there's still time to learn.
1. Your job is to get your B2B sales training expertise utilized
2. Not all of your clients are willing to change in order to improve their sales performance
3. Understanding customer needs is the first step to helping them
4. People learn differently so your training methods should appeal to the following learning styles:
- Visual
- Verbal
- Aural
- Logical
- Physical
- Social
- Solitary
5. Customer ROI improves when you combine training and revenue development
6. Some of your customers don’t really want a sales trainer in their organization
7. Online learning + an onsite workshop + a revenue development initiative = Improved sales performance
8. Some days will be better than others
9. Mastering the art of travel minimizes headaches
10. Energizers make workshops fun and more productive