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Choosing a Partner Program for Sales Training

partner_program-2Principles of B2B sales training and consulting firms are starting to appreciate the value of developing partnerships with content suppliers as a method to improve the performance of their firms. Simply put, partner programs and valued added reseller programs are becoming standard operating procedure and many consultants are adding multiple partners to their toolboxes.

There are a few reasons for this growing trend:

  • Relevance“publish or perish (or get someone to publish for you)” should be the motto for B2B sales consultants and trainers these days
  • Demand from customers for new training materials, courses and workshops—often this demand exceeds the time capabilities of medium and small firms
  • Cash—the cost of developing resources like an online course can easily reach tens of thousands of dollars

Thinking About Selecting a Partner?

Ask yourself the following questions when selecting a partner program for sales training:

  • Does the partner program pay a commission to partners for services like online courses?
  • Does the partner program allow the partner to keep 100% of additional services bundled into offerings?
  • Can the sales training offered in the partner program be delivered online, onsite, and via distance meetings?
  • Does the sales training offered combine selling and training?
  • Is a tactical revenue development initiative part of the sales training curriculum?
  • Is the partner program focused on growth of the consulting firm or simply reselling product?

Other Things to Consider

Selecting viable partners is one thing to consider when developing a plan to improve the revenue performance of a B2B sales consulting and training organization. Here’s a list of five additional issues to think about and hurdles to clear if success is the goal:

  • The Content Hurdle
  • The Credibility Hurdle
  • The Transfer Hurdle
  • The Priority Hurdle
  • The Innovation Hurdle

To learn more about each hurdle as well as tips on how to clear each, download and read this free eBook: The 5 Hurdles Every Successful Sales Consulting & Training Firm Must Clear.

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Topics: Partner Marketing