B2B sales consultants and trainers appreciate the value—and the revenue—of an onsite workshop. When workshops are conducted properly the sellers who receive the training also appreciate the experience because of the revenue created!
World-class B2B sales training organizations know how to create powerful on site workshops that deliver knowledge and enhance the expertise of the salespeople on the receiving end. Here are some secrets to creating powerful onsite workshops:
- Start with the end in mind—determine what you want the sellers to learn as a result of the workshop.
- Create a leaders guide for the workshop that includes the following:
- The script you will follow during the workshop
- The goal and overview of the workshop
- Room setup information
- Facilitator set-up and posting information
- Advance assignments
- AV requirements
- Post workshop follow-up activities
- Handout and material requirements
- Vary how you deliver the information and include the following:
- Lecture
- PowerPoint
- Flipchart posting
- Handouts and worksheets
- Activities
- Games
- Role playing or simulation
- Sharing (group, one-on-one or triad)
- Include some energizers in the workshop—activities designed to increase the energy and engagement levels of the B2B salespeople attending the workshop.
One additional element to consider when developing an onsite B2B sales training session is people learn differently so it is important to vary how you deliver the information during a workshop. Here’s a summary of the various ways people learn:
- Visual
- Verbal
- Aural
- Logical
- Physical
- Social
- Solitary
Having an approach that includes the following is usually a safe bet because it appeals to a variety of learning styles:
- Teach by talking
- Teach by demonstration
- Teach by sharing (one-on-one, triad or with the entire group)
- Teach by doing (involve participants in activities)
- Teach by allowing participants to experience and practice (role play or simulation)
- Teach by allowing participants to read or watch a video (if you include this keep these segments brief).