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How B2B Sales Consultants Engage Even the Most Reluctant Customer

A_Step-by-Step_Approach_to_Engage_a_Less_Than_Eager_New_CustomerAs a B2B sales consultant, there is no better feeling than being part of improving the sales performance of a customer—especially when a customer was initially less than eager to follow your advice and use the B2B sales training expertise provided to them.

If you are a B2B sales consultant or trainer perhaps you’ve had a ticket to this movie that involves a VP of sales at the corporate level who decided to hire your firm to improve performance without engaging the sales leaders down the line during the decision making process. This type of shotgun wedding often begins on a less than positive note filled with tension.

Step by Step! 

Here are some things you can do to turn tension into traction: 

  • Address the obvious from the get go and let the customer know you are aware of the fact they are not excited to be working with you.

  • Start slowly and conduct a needs analysis to determine a point or two of engagement—avoid fire hosing them with all the great B2B sales resources you have to offer. Here are some pain points that customers might need help with:

    • Filling open sales positions by developing and executing a recruitment plan and selection process

    • Create a strategic turnover plan to replace unproductive salespeople

    • Improve the level of quality face-to-face sales activity of the salespeople

    • Install a process to select better new business prospects that have the spending potential like top customers.

  • Develop and install an account list management system that provides a strategic methodology to improving sales revenue and minimizes the frenetic environment of a dysfunctional sales organization.

  • Work with the customer to set a goal attached to one of their problems.

  • Proceed forward with a slow and steady approach that involves using your resources to solve a problem. Keep in mind the customer’s problems were not created in a day and solutions to a complex problem take time. Avoid the temptation of solving too many problems too quickly.

  • Determine a communication plan that works for the customer to keep them in the loop yet does not bog down the customer.

  • Slow down occasionally to review progress toward the goal.

  • Agree on a service delivery plan that includes the following:

    • Online training

    • Application workshop delivered on site or via distance meetings

    • A follow-up tactical initiative that requires sellers to use the skill taught during the training.

  • Slow down and celebrate success!

  • Go back to the top of this list and start the cycle again.

Follow these steps the next time you engage a less than eager customer. In the end, you’ll both have that happy feeling!

Talent Insight  



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