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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

5 Ways a CRM Can Improve Your Sales Process

5 Ways a CRM Can Improve Your Sales Process

A Customer Relationship Manager, also known as a CRM, can be a powerful tool. It can help to streamline your sales process and provide benefits to complete sales teams.

Here are five ways using a CRM efficiently can help improve your sales process.

Topics: sales process CRM

Mastering the Art of the Discover Meeting

Mastering the Art of the Discover Meeting

In the dynamic world of B2B sales, the pivotal moment of any successful sales journey is, without a doubt, the discovery meeting.

This initial encounter with a potential client is your golden ticket to unlocking a world of opportunities. However, to truly capitalize on this crucial interaction, a strategic approach is imperative.

Let's dive into the essential strategies that transform a discover meeting from a mere conversation into a powerful tool for driving sales success.

Topics: sales process discovery meetings

Aligning Your Sales Process to the Buyer's Journey

Aligning Your Sales Process to the Buyers Journey

Are you tired of struggling to close deals and wondering why your sales process is not bringing in the results you desire?

It's time to align your sales process to the buyer's journey. By understanding the stages your customers or clients go through before making a purchase, you can effectively tailor your sales approach to meet their needs and expectations.

Topics: sales process Buyer's Journey

Navigating Buying Committees and Identifying True Decision Makers: A Salesperson's Guide

Navigating Buying Committees and Identifying True Decision Makers (1)

B2B (business-to-business) sales often involve multiple decision-makers within a buying committee. This can make it challenging for salespeople to identify the true decision-makers and effectively navigate the sales process.

This blog post provides insights and strategies for sales professionals to successfully navigate buying committees and identify the key decision-makers who hold the power to approve or reject their deals.

Topics: sales process

Seven Seconds to Make a First Impression — Make it Count!

Seven Seconds to Make a First Impression — Make it Count!

We’ve all heard, “You’ll never get a second chance to make a great first impression.” This applies to so many facets of life, and when it comes to sales, that first 7-10 seconds can make or break you.

Our brains make a thousand computations during the first seven seconds we see someone. That means within seven seconds, the person across from you is assessing whether you’re likable, trustworthy, and competent.

Is the impression you create a blend of your personality, body language, and communication skills? If not, it should be!

Topics: Lead Nurturing sales process

Navigating the Sales Landscape: Striking the Balance Between Professionalism and Applying Pressure

Navigating the Sales Landscape

In the dynamic world of sales, striking a balance between professionalism and pressure is a delicate art. While closing deals is the goal, maintaining professionalism is crucial for building lasting relationships and fostering trust with potential customers.

Here are some best practices to help you move sales forward without crossing the line into pushiness.

Topics: sales process

Scary Good Advice to Avoid Being Ghosted by Prospects

Scary Good Advice to Avoid Being Ghosted by Prospects

By now, you’ve realized that regurgitated sales techniques and tactics aren’t working – including the approach you take with your sales proposal.

You need something more. What you need is a well-crafted document that hits the right tone and authentically convinces your great lead to close the deal. But sometimes, even with a data-focused, detail-driven proposal, that great lead disappears in the abyss, and before you know it, you realize you’ve been ghosted.

Fear not; we’ve brewed up three tactics that will help your sales proposals convert more prospects at a high rate!

Topics: Proposal sales process sales accelerator

5 Email Strategies That Open Doors

5 Email Strategies That Open Doors

Getting through to a potential customer or prospect is more challenging than ever. The email inbox, once a haven for personal messages, has become a battleground for attention. With the average person receiving dozens, if not hundreds, of emails daily, standing out is essential. 

For businesses, the goal is not just to be noticed but to initiate meaningful conversations and, ultimately, set up that all-important initial meeting.

Let's dive into effective ways to seize a prospect's attention with your emails.

Topics: email sales process

A Sales Managers' Role in Discovery Meetings

A Sales Managers Role in Discovery Meetings

Discovery meetings are a vital tool for uncovering new business opportunities. In these conversations, sales managers and sellers have a unique chance to learn about potential clients, understand their challenges, and present solutions tailored to their needs. The key to an effective discovery meeting lies in the ability to ask thoughtful questions, actively listen, and establish genuine rapport.

This article explores best practices for conducting productive discovery meetings. For sales managers, it provides insights into sharpening your skills in this area. For business owners, it illuminates the significance of discovery meetings in locating new opportunities. Whether you want to enhance your capabilities or gain a better grasp of these influential conversations, this piece highlights strategies to make discovery meetings a competitive advantage.

Topics: sales process discovery meetings

3.5 Unbeatable Tactics to Skyrocket Your Appointments

3 Tips to Supercharge Appointment Setting

The difference between success and failure is your new business!

Even the most seasoned sales veteran will experience 30% attrition every year. That means if we do not add new business in three years, your sales will dwindle to almost nothing. And if you add 30% in new business or incremental business each year, you'll basically just be treading water, not actually growing.

Topics: sales process getting appointments