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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Big Rocks for Sales Managers to Focus On

Big Rocks for Sales Managers to Focus On

In addition to resetting your priorities, recruiting and selecting the right talent, and managing people individually there’s another aspect sales managers need to focus on.

Great management begins and ends with YOU. It’s time to strategize what being a great manager looks like for yourself it's time to focus on the Big Rocks.

Topics: sales performance sales leadership big rocks

Sales Leaders’ Top Challenges: Time Management

Sales Leaders’ Top Challenges Time Management

No matter how good a product is, nobody will buy it if they have not heard about it. On top of that, sometimes it takes a skilled and informed presentation of a product for people to realize how much value it can bring to them. That is the job of the more than 13 million people who are employed in sales just in the United States!

Of course, the world of sales comes with its own challenges. One of the most common challenges that sales leaders work with is time management. Learning to manage this one area can greatly increase success and productivity.

But there is a reason that time management is one of the most common sales leaders' challenges. It can be difficult to figure out how to make it work for you. Read on to learn all about the time management techniques that can help you tackle this sales challenge!

Topics: sales leadership sales challenges

Hybrid Meeting How-To’s

Hybrid Meetings

A recent McKinsey survey shows that 90% of organizations will adopt some combination of remote and on-site work as they emerge from Covid restrictions.

This combination will change how we meet and interact forever. Hybrid meetings, a mix of people in office and those working remotely, is the new normal.

Topics: hybrid work

Weekly Roundup: Always Be Closing, Struggling with Employee Retention + More

Struggling with Employee Retention


"Today is always the most productive day of your week."

- Mark Hunter


<< If you only read one thing >>

Always Be Closing? Yes – But Without Slamming the Door | The Evolution of Sales (Past, Present & Future) Allwork

For many years, “Always Be Closing” (ABC) was the go-to sales technique. 

Today, however, most experts believe it’s not effective. The sales world is changing fast, and new strategies are proving to be much more viable in the modern era. 

But what about tomorrow? 

What does the future of sales look like as we move into a post-Covid economy?

Could sales strategies shift once again towards something completely different? >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

20 Motivational Videos for Your Sales Team

20 Motivational Videos for Your Sales Team

Stressed? Anxious? Unmotivated?

Everyone requires motivation. And, your sales team is no exception as they strive to keep up performance, reach goals, and deliver results. The constant pressure (combined with adversity and uncertainty) is physically and mentally draining.

Motivation is crucial for performance. The real purpose of a motivational speech is to get the recipient, to do something differently, because the speaker has got you to think differently. Browse through our list of 20 motivational videos, watch a few, and share the list with your team.

Topics: sales performance COVID19 Resources motivation

How to Build a High Performing Sales Team

How to Build a High Performing Sales Team

It's more important than ever to engage with your sales team. Sales teams that are not engaged are much more likely to underperform, experience low budget attainment, and unwanted turnover.

Data shows that less than 30% of today's workforce is truly engaged. This is especially true for end-of-the-quarter and end of the year! According to HubSpot, if a seller is disengaged and underperforming, it costs 150% of their salary to replace them.

Here are a few causes of a low performing sales team and how sales leaders can help.

Topics: sales talent sales leadership

Sales Leaders’ Challenges: Motivation and How to Motivate Your Team

Sales Leaders Challenges Motivation

Working in sales isn't getting any easier. In 2020, the majority of sales reps weren't expected to meet their sales quotas.

As the leader of your sales team, it's up to you to motivate your team to reach their targets and more. But that's easier said than done.

We've created a guide with 7 sales team motivation strategies that you can use to overcome the sales leaders' challenges you encounter as the face of your team, whether you're new to the position or on your way to becoming an expert.

Topics: sales leadership motivation

5 Steps to a Precise Internal Sales Diagnostic

internal sales diagnosticThis article was originally published on Sales & Marketing Management.

Sales leaders are responsible for more than closing deals. Teams depend on them to see the big picture, measure current strategies, and evaluate new opportunities. Sales diagnostics help leaders see their operations from all sides so they can identify bottlenecks and keep revenue climbing.

Topics: sales performance Sales sales process sales diagnostic

Sales Leaders' Top Challenges — Coaching

Sales Leaders Top Challenges — Coaching

You're not an Avenger.

I know that is disappointing. Trust me, I'm disappointed, too. Who doesn't want to be a superhero? We all want to be the man or woman who swoops in to save the day, but that only gets to happen in a Marvel or DC movie.

In the real world, we don't have these types of superheroes.

But as much as I would like this blog to be about my favorite Marvel characters, that would not be the best use of your time or mine.

Topics: sales coaching

Sales Development: 5 Ways to Grow Revenue Without Selling New Customers

5 Ways to Grow Revenue Without Selling New Customers

Most sales leaders talk too much about new business development.

The truth is: they would be better off yapping less about selling new customers and yapping more about growing existing customers.

Topics: sales performance sales process