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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Negotiating: Use Your Power for Good, Not Evil

Use Your Power for Good, Not Evil

Negotiation is an art, often perceived with a mix of hesitation and intrigue. It's a dance that occurs in various aspects of life, from buying a car to brokering major business deals.

Especially in sales, negotiation is not just a skill; it's a necessity. But the essence of effective negotiation lies in the approach: it's about collaboration, not confrontation.

Topics: sales process

The Ripple Effects of Sales Team Turnover: A Deep Dive into Short, Mid, and Long-Term Impacts

The Ripple Effects of Sales Team Turnover

Employee turnover is an inevitable reality.

However, underestimating the far-reaching consequences of losing experienced sales representatives can have detrimental effects on a company's overall growth and profitability.

The ripple effects of sales team turnover extend far beyond the immediate vacancy, creating a wave of challenges that can impact an organization in the short, mid, and long term.

Topics: reduce turnover sales talent

The Quest for 100% Superstars: Rethinking Recruitment and Training

The Quest for 100 Superstars

Every sales organization dreams of having a team composed entirely of superstars. Imagine a workforce where each member consistently exceeds targets, possesses exceptional communication skills, and demonstrates unwavering dedication.

While building an entire team of superstars may seem ambitious, it's a goal worth pursuing.

Topics: sales training recruitment

Mastering Influence: Lessons and Strategies from 'Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion'

Mastering Influence (1)

In the intricate dance of human interaction, understanding the underlying psychology that governs why people say "yes" can be a powerful tool.

Robert B. Cialdini's groundbreaking work, "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion," dives deep into the psychological principles that drive decision-making and provides invaluable insights on ethical persuasion.

Here are six compelling lessons from the book that can be applied across various contexts and industries.

Topics: leadership

Distinguishing Between Coaching and Managing (And Why It Matters)

Distinguishing Between Coaching and Managing

Depending on the organization, the person leading a sales team may be called a manager, a leader, or a coach.

For many people leading a team and for their team members, the name doesn’t matter because the job description is the same. They are the person responsible for guiding their team toward hitting their sales goals.

But the difference between managing and coaching has become a hot-button issue. Why? Because Gen Z cares, and they are set to become the dominant group in the work force by 2025.

Topics: leadership sales coaching 360 coaching

Consistent Steps That Lead to Consistently Winning: A Strategic Sales Process

Consistent Steps That Lead to Consistently Winning A Strategic Sales Process

Salespeople fill a fundamental role in society, so why do they get a bad rep?

In a HubSpot’s Research study, Buyers Speak Out: How Sales Needs to Evolve, respondents were asked to submit the word they most associated with salespeople.

The number one response was “pushy."

Persistence is part of being a salesperson, but there’s a difference between consistently adding value with each check-in and rambling about the benefits of what you’re selling. It’s decades and decades of the “pushy” kind of sales tactic that has made the average salesperson somewhat unpopular. We’re here to help change that with an updated look at the customer-focused sales process.

Topics: sales process sales accelerator

5 Ways a CRM Can Improve Your Sales Process

5 Ways a CRM Can Improve Your Sales Process

A Customer Relationship Manager, also known as a CRM, can be a powerful tool. It can help to streamline your sales process and provide benefits to complete sales teams.

Here are five ways using a CRM efficiently can help improve your sales process.

Topics: sales process CRM

Situational Leadership: When to Coach, When to Manage

Situational Leadership

There is a fundamental yet often misconstrued aspect of sales leadership that gets a lot of airtime: the fine line between managing and coaching. At The Center for Sales Strategy, we understand the pivotal role that effective leadership plays in propelling sales teams toward success.

Managing and coaching are two distinct, albeit interconnected, approaches that leaders employ to guide their teams. But what sets them apart?

Topics: leadership leadership development

Effective Feedback for Sales Performance

feedback for sales performanceTop-performing sales managers are on top because they are continually finding ways to encourage their team to be more productive.

Constructive feedback is vital to ongoing development. In fact, 91% of salespeople said they want more learning and development opportunities.

Almost every sales organization has various types of sellers. There are the highest performers, who are needed even more after they reach their goals, their average performers that are “make or break,” depending on the month, and the low performers, who are a drag on achievement. There is an important technique that can give you a big boost with all of the above: Feedback

Topics: sales performance

Managing a Salesperson Who Consistently Misses Their Goals

Managing a Salesperson Who Consistently Misses Their Goals

Managing a sales team can be challenging, especially when salespeople consistently miss their budget or sales targets.

While it's natural for sales professionals to have their ups and downs, it's essential to address performance issues promptly and effectively to ensure the overall success of your team and organization.

In this blog, we'll explore strategies and tips for managing salespeople who miss their budget, helping you turn underperformance into improved results.

Topics: sales performance sales leadership