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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Secrets to a Strong Interviewing Process

Secrets to a Strong Interviewing Process

An interview can make or break a company’s relationship with a new hire.

A thorough interview process, using a validated talent assessment, looking for strengths, talents, and fit for the position, and examining fit to culture, can provide a strong jump off to a successful and lucrative career.

A desperation hire where a “warm body” is hired with no thought to their success can only lead to frustration, bad feelings on both sides, and repeating the process when the new hire quits. So, what are the secrets to a strong interviewing process and successful employer/employee relationship?

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent assessment sales talent

9 Killer Sales Recruitment Tactics

Recruitment Strategy

It looks like it’s shaping up to be another great year for job seekers and a tough year for employers struggling to find and keep their employees. The “war for talent” rages on.

Don’t let those negative headlines get you down, though. With a good recruitment process and retention plan in place, you will be able to build a thriving team.

Today we are going to focus on the 9-steps of strong recruitment and look at how you can consistently dedicate attention in a highly structured way to achieve big results.  

It starts with setting the stage for success.

Topics: hiring salespeople

There's a Huge Difference Between Hiring and Recruiting


Your sales team determines the success or failure of your operation.

This shouldn't come as a surprise to you, but if you're like other sales managers, you don’t start looking for new sales candidates until one of your salespeople leaves the company.

By then, it’s too late. You'll have to scramble to fill the role.

This chaos will often result in you rushing to find the right person or settling for someone who is just “good enough.” These hasty hiring decisions don't solve anything. You still need a great salesperson, and the person you just hired isn't likely to be that.

Topics: hiring salespeople

A Recruitment Strategy Plan That Will Improve the Talent Level on Your Team

A Recruitment Strategy Plan That Will Improve the Talent Level on Your Team

How many open positions are on your team?  Open positions are an opportunity to improve the talent level. You want to make your goals more attainable and hiring top-shelf people is the best way to do that. 

However, building a high-quality sales team isn’t easy. It typically requires a lot of time and money to assemble a team of top performers. What if we told you that there’s a proven system that would help you get a list of great people to interview? Would you be interested?

Topics: hiring salespeople recruitment talent bank sales talent

Executive's Guide to Hiring Sales Reps

hirng sales reps-1

Are you looking to expand your sales team?

There's no doubting that more sales, scales, and finding the right people are essential to a successful business.

From finding the right candidates to training them for success, we've got you covered. Don’t waste time and money on the wrong sales reps. Use this guide to find the best ones for your business. It will help you avoid costly mistakes and make the process easier for everyone involved.

Topics: hiring salespeople

7 Personality Traits of Salespeople That Count in Conversions

7 Personality Traits of Salespeople That Count in Conversions

There's hardly any organization that would not want its salespeople to be well-groomed and highly presentable.

Every employer understands well that in sales, the personalities of salespeople are vital in driving conversions. So, as someone looking to gain great success in sales, you need to work on your personality traits. But what are the best personality traits in sales that enhance the prospects of success?

In this blog, we find relevant answers to this vital question that has a direct correlation with your career advancement in sales. With the traits mentioned here, you can optimize your performance in terms of lead to customer conversion rate.

Topics: hiring salespeople

9 Sales Leadership Qualities to Look for in Top Performers

9 Sales Leadership Qualities to Look for in Top Performers

Recruiting top-performing sales leadership for your organization is harder than ever. The quality of the sales organization is directly associated with the quality of sales leadership.

When looking for top-performing sales leaders, you can’t just look for great salespeople. You need someone who can coach, go in the field, watch, and understand the sales process. Here are nine qualities to consider when you’re evaluating sales management talent. 

Topics: hiring salespeople Leadership

Why The Talent of Problem Solving is Essential for Sales Performance

Why The Talent of Problem Solving is Essential for Sales Performance

You have a salesperson who has a great, positive attitude. The clients love them and they do a great job at getting that first appointment and building a relationship with clients. 

BUT they tend to use the same few solutions over and over.

And when clients or coworkers come to this person with an issue, it ruins their day — it gets them completely off track, and they just can’t seem to find the way back. What’s the problem?! 

Is the individual's positivity not as high as it should be? Is discipline the issue? Actually, what you're witnessing may be their lack of ability to problem solve.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent

Improving Sales Performance - Impact Your People: Recruitment & Selection


Season 3 of the Improving Sales Performance Series is focused on helping sales leaders make an impact on their sales performance through insight on 4 key areas: people, process, planning, and performance.

In Episode 24, Jaleigh Long, Vice President and Market Manager, Atlanta Radio at Cox Media Group, discusses how sales leaders can make an impact on their sales performance through recruitment and selection.

Tune in now to hear the Live broadcast or keep reading for a brief overview.

Topics: hiring salespeople recruitment IMPACT selection

Personality Traits of Top Sales Performers

 Personality Traits of Top Sales Performers

When a successful salesperson is questioned on what makes them stand out above the rest, most don’t have specific answers.

The reason seems to be because these high performers are doing what comes naturally to them. These are not skills that can be taught or learned. It’s about behaviors that “fire naturally” in client-facing sales situations.

Specific traits are sales accelerators.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales performance