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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Improving Sales Performance | Media Sales Report | Hiring and Talent

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Throughout season 2 of the Improving Sales Performance Series, we’ve focused on the data and analysis of the newly released Media Sales Report.

In this episode, Beth Sunshine, VP of Talent Services, joined Matt Sunshine to discuss the Sales Department Structure section of the Media Sales Report, specifically looking at data on hiring and talent.

You can stream it now to hear their insight, advice, and initial thoughts after analyzing the data that was just published. Or keep reading for a brief overview.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent assessment sales talent

5 Biggest Interview Pitfalls — And How to Avoid Them

5 Biggest Interview Pitfalls—and How to Avoid Them

Interviewing salespeople is tough!

Screening, uncovering, and selecting top talent takes a lot of practice and a reliable process. In order to better take advantage of every golden interview opportunity that comes your way, you need to know the common pitfalls and then avoid them.

Topics: hiring salespeople

15 Things Every Great Sales Manager Knows

great sales managerWhat do you consider the greatest job in the world?

Maybe I'm biased, but I'm convinced I have that job. Why? Here’s what I do every day:

  • Talk with people who are actively engaged in sharing important information with me
  • Figure out what makes those people “tick”
  • Work with sales managers to understand the talents of the people they are interviewing
  • Help them to hire the very best people for the job
  • Focus on the unique strengths of individuals
  • And, help managers to coach their direct reports to become wildly successful

And best of all, I have the privilege of working closely with some of the greatest managers out there. After all these years, I can tell you that there are 15 things that every great manager knows. 

Topics: hiring salespeople Sales

8 Characteristics of a Winning Sales Coach

8 Characteristics of a Winning Sales Coach

There are several resources readily available with information on what it takes to be a great sales coach and manager of people. We often talk with managers who want to hire top-notch sales coaches and the list of their requirements is usually a long one—including experience, past successes, and “must have” talents. It’s definitely a hire you want to get right!

There are many natural behaviors and characteristics that make a sales coach great, and it's important to uncover the intensities of these talents before you hire someone.

Topics: hiring salespeople Sales

How to Avoid Hiring Out of Desperation

How to Avoid Hiring Out of Desperation

From reduced revenue to poor employee morale, there’s one situation that creates heightened anxiety among sales managers and CEOs, and that’s an open position that goes unfilled for too long.

“Somebody is better than nobody”—we’ve all said it when it comes to our sales team. There’s pressure to fill open jobs quickly, and with good reason, but what brings us to this point of desperation? Hiring quickly and rushing through the recruiting process often leads to a bad hire, and a bad hire leads to costly damages.

So that you’re not hiring out of desperation, you need to learn how to build a strong talent bank. Here’s how you can start today.

Topics: hiring salespeople recruitment talent bank

Hiring for Culture Fit—The Secret Weapon

Hiring for Culture Fit—the Secret Weapon

To remain competitive, organizations must invest more time and effort into the selection process. If you’re curious why so many companies fail to fully activate the talents of their people, take a closer look at how they make their hiring decisions. 

Regardless of what your company does, there is only one way to build a top-performing organization. You need to make sure you get both the talent and the culture fit right with every single hire you make.

Topics: hiring salespeople company culture culture

How to Know if Your Job is Right for You


How to Know if Your Job is Right for You

Research shows us that 1/3 of our life is spent at work, that's over 90,000 hours. Given those statistics, it's safe to say that it's highly important to our overall well-being that we're in the right job.

We have a short window of time to make our mark on this world while at the same time finding happiness. At some point, we all complain about our jobs—and the grass can often feel greener somewhere else. But there’s a difference between job slump and being in the wrong career.

If you're asking yourself whether your job is right for you, here are some simple steps you can take to find out!

Topics: hiring salespeople

5 Ways to Reduce High Turnover Rates

5 Ways to Reduce High Turnover Rates

From prospecting clients to making the pitch, it’s the sales team that brings your business profits. When you work in a profession where quarterly quotas and revenue goals need to be met, you can’t afford a high turnover rate.

When meeting with clients, how often are they experiencing sales problems that are often due to extreme turnover on their sales team? There are multiple reasons behind sales rep turnover, one of the biggest being ineffective sales managers. Other reasons range from poor company culture and inadequate pay to lack of training.

A modest amount of turnover is expected. Plus, it’s good to bring on new people with different perspectives, ideas, and capabilities. However, turnover rates near 35% can be costly and reflect poorly on your organization in more ways than one.

Topics: hiring salespeople reduce turnover

How to Strengthen Your Team With Each New Hire

culture-team-new-hireYour employees are the foundation of your company and your culture. So, it stands to reason that every hire you make will either enhance your culture or detract from it - one person at a time.

Infographic: Top 15 Reasons Your Employees StayWe know that finding top talent is difficult! And with the current talent shortage, now more than ever, the candidate is in the driver’s seat. Once you finally find the right person to bring onboard, someone with the right talents and the right fit for your team, you want to do everything you can to develop and keep them. And this starts from the moment you send them that offer letter.

Did you know that Zappos pays new hires $2000 to quit within the first week of their employment? Although that seems like an incredible gamble with their hiring budget, this policy encourages those who are only there for the paycheck to take the money and run, leaving those who really want to be there.

Topics: hiring salespeople company culture

One Key to Hiring Superstar Sales Talent? Know Your Management Style.

hiring superstar talentI spend a lot of time giving pre-hire feedback to managers about candidates. We discuss managing strengths and coaching weaknesses. We talk about how strengths and weaknesses can work together or can tug in opposite directions. 

At the end of each conversation, it's my sincere hope that the hiring manager has a well-rounded view of their candidate and how they will “fit” or “don't fit” in a position. But there is another question that needs to be asked. Does the candidate also fit the manager? 

Topics: hiring salespeople