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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Why Salespeople Are Quitting After 90 Days — And How To Prevent It

Why Salespeople Are Quitting After 90 Days — And How To Prevent It

During the first 90 days at a new job, the relationship between a new hire and their employer is as vulnerable as it gets: 20% of all employee turnover happens during those crucial three months.

Leaving a job before things really get going is becoming increasingly normal, especially for younger workers: Jobvite’s oft-cited annual “Job Seeker Nation” survey reports that 34% of them have, at some point in their young careers, left a job in the first 90 days.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Secrets to a Strong Interviewing Process

Secrets to a Strong Interviewing Process

An interview can make or break a company’s relationship with a new hire.

A thorough interview process, using a validated talent assessment, looking for strengths, talents, and fit for the position, and examining fit to culture, can provide a strong jump off to a successful and lucrative career.

A desperation hire where a “warm body” is hired with no thought to their success can only lead to frustration, bad feelings on both sides, and repeating the process when the new hire quits. So, what are the secrets to a strong interviewing process and successful employer/employee relationship?

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent assessment sales talent

Talent Acquisition: How Do I Hire Better Talent?

How Do I Hire Better Talent

We are always asking our salespeople to prospect and keep their eyes open for new potential clients. As sales managers, we need to treat recruitment the same way.

Recruitment will continue to be a buyer’s market in 2022. According to The Undercover Recruiter, the best candidates are in and out of the job market within 10 days. It’s tempting, and easy, to fall victim to lowering your hiring standards to fill positions.

The most effective way to ensure you’re able to hire better talent is to build and maintain a strong talent bank.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Why You Should Have a Talent-Based Sales Organization

Why You Should Have a Talent-Based Sales Organization

To thrive, an organization needs to be able to attract, hire, and retain top talent.

Top talent are the people that are going to take the team to the next level. They’re the ones who instinctually want to be the best and are the best. They serve clients in a way that no other can. They uncover client needs, close and grow your key accounts, and solve problems in a way you wish everyone could.

In fact, superior talent is up to 8xs more productive than typical talent!

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Why Sales Talent Isn’t Enough

Why Sales Talent Is Not Enough

Have you ever heard music that was so brilliant, you couldn’t even carry on a conversation while listening? 

I had a friend in college who played like that. Her audiences would be nearly silent as she played, mesmerized by the sound, until her last note when they would go nuts!

She practiced both the piano and the guitar often, simply because she loved it, and she often played for us upon request. I’m not much of a musician myself, and I don’t know a lot about the business, but those who did were certain that she could be one of the few who actually made a career for herself in music. 

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Learner & Problem Solver

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents Coaching Learner & Problem Solver

You already know that turning talent into performance requires a true understanding of talent. Spotting talent, hiring talent, developing talent, and coaching talent. . . it’s mission critical.

Talent assessments are an excellent tool for understanding the way your candidates and current salespeople are wired. The difference in approach with each group is key to productive new hires and successful coaching.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Activator & Accelerator

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents Coaching Activator & Accelerator

To successfully manage and lead others, you must understand what makes each of your team members unique and individualize your approach. It’s important to understand the innate talents of each person and consistently coach them to maximize their strengths, work around their weaknesses, and turn talent into performance.

Gallup's research in the bestseller It's the Manager proves that this strengths-based approach to being a coach, not a boss, is essential to leading a high-performance team.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Relationship & Individualizer

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents Coaching Relationship & Individualizer

At The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS), we offer the most effective talent instruments available on the market to help you accurately identify the best candidates for the right roles and guide you to develop strategies and coach them in a way that will maximize their individual strengths.

Our clients have seen a direct Return on Investment (ROI) in the following ways:

  • Reduced costly turnover
  • Recruited better hires
  • Increased new business development
  • Improved client retention

It's time to take the guesswork out of hiring and coaching.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Discipline & Positivity

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents Coaching Discipline & Positivity

Do you have salespeople on your team that enjoy routine and structure? What about reps who have contagious enthusiasm?

If you answered yes to one, or either, of these questions then take a closer look at this article as we help you coach and develop the people with strengths of Discipline and Positivity. 

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Understanding Talent and Fit with Better Interview Questions

Understanding Talent and Fit with Better Interview Questions

Do you want to conduct better interviews and ensure you make smart hiring decisions? Preparing better interview questions to determine talent and fit will help you improve this step in your selection process.

The first, and most important, step is to have your candidate complete a validated talent assessment specific to the role you are filling before you meet with them.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent selection