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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Finding Sales Talent to Fill Your Talent Bank

Finding Sales Talent to Fill Your Talent Bank

With the recent layoffs and furloughs, social distancing, and working from home, there’s more talent available on the market than ever before. “As a result of the pandemic, it’s become an employer’s job market,” states a recent Forbes article. “Candidates will have to get more assertive and creative in finding ways to help them stand out or get lost in the crowd.” 

While there has always been a need for a strong talent bank, now is the time to really start building one that will set you up for future success. Due to the current economic situation, you have a unique opportunity to find new talent that would have otherwise been unapproachable. 

How do you find top sales talent? Where do you look for sales talent? Who should you add to your talent bank? Keep reading for the answers!

Topics: talent bank sales talent

Sales Leadership: Are You a Boss or a Leader?

Sales Leadership Are You a Boss or a Leader

“People don’t leave jobs; they leave managers.”

“I quit.” It’s what a record-breaking 4,478,000 workers told their employers in August 2019. The reasons for quitting varied from compensation to lack of engagement, but one in two employees left their job to get away from their manager.

At one point in our life, we’ve all worked under a superior that could make or break our day. When it comes to sales leadership, there’s a big different between being a boss and a leader. Which one are you?

Topics: Leadership sales talent

Developing and Using a Talent Bank Will Improve Sales Performance

Developing and Using a Talent Bank Will Improve Sales Performance

Take this five-question quiz to set the foundation for this blog post—simply answer agree or disagree.

1. I interview sales candidates every week, even if I don’t have openings on my staff. AGREE-1

2. I find my best sales candidates when I’m under the gun and have openings on my staff. AGREE-1

3. I move out underperforming sellers often because I keep a talent bank of qualified prospects.AGREE-1

4. I am a proactive recruiter, always looking for, and evaluating talent.

5. I often tell candidates that I’m interviewing even though I don’t have a position open.AGREE-1

If answered disagree to the majority of these questions; continue reading this post.

Topics: sales performance talent bank sales talent

Sales Manager's Takeaways From Talent Training

Sales Managers Takeaways From Talent Training

The majority of participants that attend a “typical” training program or workshop will forget 70% of what they were taught within two weeks. Our goal for the Talent Focused Management (TFM) workshop is to provide clients with strategies and tactics that they can actually put into practice immediately.

Here are some takeaways from sales managers that will enlighten The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS) clients, as well as others, as to why —and how—not all workshops are created equally.

Topics: sales training sales talent

4 Things That Will Impact Your Sales Growth in 2020

4 Things That Will Impact Your Sales Growth in 2020

Of all the decisions and executive makes, none is as important as the decisions about people, because they determine the performance capacity of the organization." - Peter Drucker 

The new year is 1/12 complete, and January is old news. How is your organization doing so far? Are you on track to exceed your growth goals for 2020? Are you lagging behind?

Growth of a sales organization will not happen unless the people in the sales organization are growing. Here are four important elements to consider that are directly linked to growth of your people and the decisions you make in coaching and developing them.

Topics: culture talent bank sales talent