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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Weekly Roundup: Sales Skills You Aren't Practicing, Fun Sales Meetings + More

Sales Skills You Arent Practicing, Fun Sales Meetings More


"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."

-John F. Kennedy


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The Top 3 Sales Skills You Aren't PracticingMailshake

Every sales rep is constantly looking for ways to up their game.
And while it’s often about employing some awesome new tech tool or learning the latest closing technique, you can get a lot more out of your prospects and clients simply by getting a ton more out of the basics.

With this in mind, Sujan Patel sat down with Joseph Fung, CEO of sales bootcamp Uvaro. He’s a repeat founder who has been building and selling software for decades, and he shared the three top sales skills reps should be constantly practicing and building on. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Sales Leadership Stats, Virtual Recruitment + More

Sales Leadership Stats, Virtual Recruitment


"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."

-Melody Beattie


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37 Sales Leadership Stats to Know in 2020HubSpot

Sales leaders, be honest — you're curious about what your peers are up to.

This year has been unconventional (to put it lightly) and leaders have been faced with challenges that they likely haven’t seen at other points in their careers. The ability to share information with other leaders, or to ask "how are you managing?" is invaluable.

However, that’s far easier said than done when you’ve got work to do. If you don’t have the time or resources to commission your own data, you’re in luck because we’ve compiled a list of important data points sales leaders need to know. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Organizational Change, Conquer the Chaos + More

Organizational Change, Conquer the Chaos


"Your failures make your successes so much more meanginful."

-Guy Raz


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Organizational Change Can Successfully Transform Your BusinessOutreach

Organizational change has, historically, required meticulous planning across teams. As executives, we like to have all the moving parts in place before a major shift.

Leaders who oversee go-to-market teams understand better than anyone. You have transitioned from working with an in-house team of reps to managing people remotely. The events and in-person meetings your teams relied on for leads or relationship-building were canceled. Instead, your reps have to rely on technology to make those connections. Everyone now belongs to the “inside sales” team. The learning curve for leaders has been steep. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: How Sales Jobs Will Change, Take Risks Now + More

How Sales Job Will Change, Take Risks Now


"Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better."

-Bill Bradley


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How Sales Jobs Could Change in the Next DecadeHubSpot

Whether we're talking about the pre-internet days or the distant future, one thing is clear: There is a gap between businesses and their customers, and sales reps function to bridge that gap. This has been true since the pre-internet days, and it will remain true as long as that gap exists.

Chatbots, AI, machine learning -- sales, like other industries, is changing rapidly thanks to technology. But, at the end of the day, you still need to nurture prospects, close deals, and hit your quota.

So, what does that look like in 5 years, and where has it already changed the most? We asked a few of the industry’s most innovative minds what they think is in store for sellers. Here are their answers. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Selfless Curiosity, Why Sales Training Fails + More

Selfless Curiosity, Why Sales Training Fails


"Great leaders don't set out to be a leader. They set out to make a difference. It's never about the role - always about the goal."

-Lisa Haisha


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Selfless Curiosity–The Revenue GeneratorGAN

In many situations, our intentions are probably pure—we may believe that what we are selling is good and that our product will help make lives easier and better.

Yet, something is missing. In Daniel Pink’s book To Sell Is Human, he shared a study from the INSEAD business school in France showing that empathizers—those who take the time to truly understand what’s going on with the person they’re talking to— typically strike a deal 76% of the time. Just by authentically caring for the person you’re talking to and understanding what they’re going through, you’ll strike a deal 76% of the time.

So, how do we reorient our sales tactics around the customer? >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Sales Stats, Customer Engagement, Employee Morale + More

Sales Stats, Customer Engagement, Employee Morale


"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."

-John D. Rockefeller


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130 Eye-Opening Sales Statistics for 2020–Spotio

The buyer’s journey has changed.

With the internet at our fingertips, consumer’s have the ability to research and compare solutions like no generation before. They also have access to mountains of user generated content like peer reviews – which are trusted nearly as much as referrals.

More empowered buyers has resulted in longer sales cycles. People no longer go straight to the source to make purchase decisions. >>> READ MORE
Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Re-energizing Sales Efforts, Guide to Performance Reviews + More

Re-energizing Sales Efforts, Guide to Performance Reviews


"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence."

-Vince Lombardi


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Re-energizing Sales Efforts in a Virtual World–Sales & Marketing Management

Is your sales team disengaged? This year, it’s hard not to be.
According to Gallup, the U.S. work force experienced the most significant drop in employee engagement in 2020. Notably, the largest decline in employee engagement was among those working in managerial or leadership positions. While not all sales teams may be struggling with demand, disen­gage­ment seems to be prevalent across all organizations and industries regardless of financial success.

Disengagement among your teams is costly and the change must come from the top. You have the power to reengage your teams. How? By recognizing team members’ achievements and rewarding them for a job well done. >>> READ MORE
Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Video Sales Letters, Win in Uncertain Markets + More

Video Sales Letters, Win in Uncertain Markets


"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things."

-Peter Drucker


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You Should be Using Video Sales Letters Instead of Emails–Sales Fuel

Which would you rather do: Read a letter or watch a short video?
You probably agree with most people and would choose the video, right? It’s just easier that way. A video is visually stimulating, easier to digest, and takes all the work out of receiving a message. So, why are you still sending sales emails instead of video sales letters? >>> READ MORE
Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: How to be Authentic as an Executive, Sales Performance Reviews + More

How to be Authentic as an Executive, Sales Performance Reviews


"Be miserable or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."

-Wayne Dyer


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The Trap of Authenticity: For Executives, Keeping It Real Can Be Really Hard To Do–Forbes

Authenticity is having a moment, and that’s a good thing, right? Depending on how you define it, authenticity champions transparency, being genuine, keeping it real. It asks us to be vulnerable, to bring our whole selves to work. It also encourages us to speak up, to challenge authority for a purpose, and to behave and act in ways that support an inclusive, diverse environment.

The problem comes down to this. The gap between the concept of authenticity and practicing it is wide and confusing. It’s why so many C-level clients ask: How do you actually do this? As one leader put it: “It feels like a trap. Show too much authenticity, you’re unprofessional or oversharing. Not enough authenticity, you’re seen as hard to read or lacking transparency.” No wonder many leaders feel they are navigating a tricky high wire act when it comes to showing up authentically.

So, how do you actually practice authenticity? For senior leaders, here are a few tips. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

Weekly Roundup: Leveraging Social Media, Continuing Human Connection + More

Leveraging Social Media, Continuing Human Connection


"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is."

-Vince Lombardi


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5 Ways B2B Brands Can Leverage Social Media to Connect With Customers–PandaDoc

Most B2B brands have a presence on at least one social network. But far too many B2B companies don’t tap into the full power of social media. The reason? They may assume social media caters to B2C companies and are less of a priority for B2B.

According to recent statistics, an estimated 3.6 billion people use social media, with that number likely to grow to  4.4 billion by 2025. That means nearly half of the world’s population uses social media. By following five best practices, you can use social media to reach new audiences, tell their brand stories, and build relationships with prospects and customers. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up